Ministry of Trade Bans ‘Junk Food’ Adverts in Children’s Programs

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The advertisement of foods and beverages such as wafers, chocolate, energy bars, chips, cereals, fruit juice, energy drinks and all other beverages containing artificial sweeteners in children's television and radio programs has been prohibited by the Ministry of Trade.
According to the "Regulation Introducing Amendments to the Regulation on Consumer Product Advertising and Unfair Commercial Practices" published on the Official Gazette today (December 28), it has been forbidden to advertise for foods and beverages, which are catalogued on the red list of the Ministry of Health and whose excessive consumption is not recommended, in children's television and radio programs.
A healthy, well-balanced diet will also be encouraged
The regulation has also stipulated that thematic children's channels cannot display the advertisements of foods and beverages on the red list of the Ministry of Health considering that a wide majority of the programs that are broadcast on such channels are children's programs.
In other broadcasts which are not specially directed to children, during the advertisement of foods and beverages, whose excessive consumption is not recommended, the programs in question shall include an easily readable animated text encouraging children to eat a healthy and well-balanced diet.
As per the same regulation, companies have also been forbidden to give presents to children's liking or use similar marketing strategies when selling foods and beverages, whose excessive consumption is unrecommended.
In the regulation, it has also been prohibited to show advertisements of all types of firearms, their manufacturers or sellers.
Some of the foods and beverages, whose excessive consumption is not recommended, are as follows: Chocolate and confectionery, energy bars, sweet sauces and desserts, cakes, sweet biscuits, fruit pies, chocolate covered biscuits, all types of chips and cereal snacks, fruit juices, energy drinks, all non-alcoholic beverages with sugar and artificial sweeteners, edible ice. |