Ministry cancels three HEP projects on same river in Antalya

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The Ministry of Environment has canceled the environmental impact assessment (EIA) processes for three hydroelectric power plants on Alara Stream in Antalya, southern Turkey.
Out of eight projects, including seven run-of-river plants and one dam, "Hayat 1.1," "Hayat 1.2" and "Hayat 2" projects have been canceled.
An attorney of villagers living near the stream, Münip Ermiş, said that the decision was pleasing, Yeşil Gazete reported.
"This is the final decision. The previous decision was just to halt the process. With this decision, the EIA process has been entirely canceled and a HEP project cannot be carried out in any way on Alara Stream from now on," said Ermiş.
"While there are other applications for HEP projects on the river, they also need to be canceled and the process indicates this.
"The concerns over HEPs on Alara Stream are now completely over with decisions. This decision also means the confirmation of the court verdicts."
Strictly protected sensitive area
A presidential decision issued on June 5 declared the Uçansu Natural Protection Area, which also includes the areas where the HEPs were planned to be built, as a "strictly protected sensitive area."
After the decree, the EIA process started for the now-canceled three projects.
About 700 people living in six nearby villages submitted a petition demanding the cancellation of the project to the ministry's General Directorate of EIA Permission and Supervision.
In response to the petition, the directorate halted the EIA process due to the deficiencies in the EIA report.
Applying to the directorate for the second time, the locals demanded the complete cancellation of the project. They said that if the plants were built, residential areas, mosques, fish farms, and village roads would be submerged in the water.
Announcing its decision on August 31, the directorate canceled the projects, citing the presidential decision.
"Because it was found that Uçansu Falls remains in the Strictly Protected Sensitive Area, the EIA process for the project in question has been ended," it said. (TP/VK)