Minister responds to criticism for exclusion of Kurdish in e-prescription system
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Health Minister Fahrettin Koca shared a statement on his social media account regarding the languages added to the e-prescription system.
The absence of Kurdish among the 5 languages added to the system had been criticized and the Green Left Party (YSP) parliamentary group, consisting of 55 members, had submitted a parliamentary proposalregarding the matter.
Fahrettin Koca did not provide any information about Kurdish in his statement.
"For tourists and foreign patients"
Minister Koca's statement is as follows:
"The e-Prescription system has added 5 foreign languages: English, German, Arabic, French, and Russian. The addition of these 5 languages to the e-Prescription system was necessary for tourists and foreign patients.
For our own citizens, prescribing in one of these languages is not a possibility. When the system is accessed with the Republic of Turkey Identification Number, the additional application becomes inactive, and only Turkish services can be obtained.
Turkey is demonstrating developments in health tourism that every conscientious citizen can take pride in, and making investments that will activate its potential. The opportunity for foreign patients to receive services from our physicians who speak their own languages is increasing. Some patients receive medical examinations in Turkey and obtain their medications in their own countries.
The addition of 5 foreign languages to the e-prescription system is a necessity arising from the international success in healthcare services. Can the resolution of a necessity arising from international success be subject to debate? Unfortunately, there are those who do. It's due to their lack of knowledge." (AS/PE)