Minister: First Judicial Reform Package to be on Freedom of Expression

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Minister of Justice Abdülhamit Gül has met with legal reporters at the Ankara Judge's House today (September 6) and answered questions about the Judicial Reform Strategy Document.
"Our first package of judicial reform includes regulations that further secure freedom of thought and expression, eliminate arbitrariness in arrest and differences in implementation," Gül said.
Noting that packages for execution procedures and alternative solutions will also be on the agenda, Gül said the documents will be put forward in packages.
Content of the reform strategy document
Asked whether the regulations related to the execution system are included in the judicial package, Gul stated that technical studies involving alternatives were carried out and a presentation was made to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
"The postponement of the execution is not about amnesty. We've put execution times on the table, there are alternatives. Parliament will choose the right one among the alternatives, " the Minister remarked.
Gül noted that he thinks the parliament will shape the framework of the issue and it will be one of the first items on the parliamentary agenda.
Regarding the maximum length of arrest during the investigative phase, Gül said, "We expect it to be in the first package. A draft of what will happen in first instance punishment, heavy punishment, terrorism, organized crimes was studied," he said.
Referring to the violence against women, Gül explained that they have been evaluating the demands on this issue, they have been working and there will make suggestions in the terms of the law. (AS/VK)