Milliyet Daily Newspaper Dismisses Two Journalists More

Milliyet Daily Newspaper continues to dismiss journalists since Thursday. Milliyet Daily dismissed reporters Burcu Karakaş and Esra Alus today.
Milliyet had showed "necessity for savings and cost increases," as reasons for the dismissals.
Burcu Karakaş tweeted:
“I’m dismissed by Milliyet Daily. Let’s hope for the best for Milliyet and me. I hope I’ll see a better future for journalism.”
Esra Alus tweeted:
“My 13-year-old duty at Milliyet Daily ended today. I mean ‘I am dismissed.’ Let’s hope for the best.”
Alus told bianet:
"I made news about Ergenekon case, bombing attacks in İstanbul, terrorist organizations’ demonstrations and etc… I am proud that my news was published at Milliyet on the day I was dismissed. In the old times, h-journalists were dismissed since they poorly performed. However, that’s not the same now.”
Who is Burcu Karakaş?
Has been working at Milliyet Daily since 2010, Burcu Karakaş is known for her news about human rights and women’s rights.
She graduated from Marmara University’s Political Science and International Relations Department and had a master degree from Boston University’s Journalism Department over the Middle East.
She has been writing at bianet time to time.
Who is Esra Alus?
Esra Alus has been working at Milliyet Daily for 13 years after leaving İhlas News Agency in 2002. She is a reporter since 1998. Alus followed cases like Ergenekon and Operation Sledgehammer (Balyoz Harekatı in Turkish) and was sued many times due to the news she made.
Last week, Milliyet Daily had dismissed Kemal Göktaş, Meral Tamer, Evin Demirtaş, Mehveş Evin, Sertaç Koç, Semra Pelek and Alper İzbul. (NV/BD)
Click here to read the article in Turkish
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