MGK on Politics and Civilian Life Continues
"Secrecy is still fundamental in Turkey," said Onen. "Secret things are being carried out." He pointed out to the importance of transparency of information and decreasing the influence of the military in civilian life.
Despite all legal amendments, the influence of the National Security Board (MGK) on politics and civilian life is continuing, said Onen. He called on civilian initiatives to raise their voices for democratization and becoming more civilian.
"The order shows possible pressure on some groups of people," said Onen, who spoke to Bianet:
* According to this order, some people will face interrogation because they place importance on minority issues, or they are pro-United States or pro-European Union, or because they are masons. What will be done to these people? What is the meaning of all this?
* The action of gathering intelligence is very comprehensive. It cannot be justified by saying it is to prevent people with bad intentions to leak into the military. The Land Forces Commandership is not giving this order to military officials but the local civilian officials. This means that the Land Forces Commandership is exceeding its authority.
* It would be a threat if the Turkish Armed Forces made a determination on the citizens' views and faiths. This would pose a risk to personal rights and basic rights and freedoms. This is a way of putting pressure on people.
* We have always wanted that the process of reaching information is made transparent ant that the influence of military on civilian life. Let's continue wanting this. With the latest regulations, civilians will not be tried in military courts anymore. But the influence of MGK on politics and civilian life is continuing.
* The civilian initiatives have to raise their voices to end this. They should call on the government to work for democratization and to become more civilian.
* This is our criticism toward the European Union (AB) harmonization process. It has not lead to Turkey becoming more civilian. Freedom of thought and assembly is under threat with the current Turkish laws including the Constitution. The order by the Land Forces Commandership is the latest example of this threat. (BB/EA/NM)