Metal workers secure 98% increase in wages

The United Metal Workers' Union (Birleşik Metal-İş) affiliated with the Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions (DİSK) announced yesterday evening (January 17) that negotiations with the Metal Industrialists' Union of Turkey (MESS) have resulted in an agreement.
Under the MESS group collective labor agreement, which concerns 150 thousand workers, the employer organization MESS invited the labor unions Türk-Metal, Birleşik Metal-İş, and Özçelik-İş for a meeting yesterday.
In a statement made by the Birleşik Metal-İş in the evening hours, it was announced, "The MESS 2023-2025 period Group Collective Labor Agreement process, which has been under negotiation for months, concluded today with an agreement; the victory belongs to the resilient metal workers."
The Collective Labor Agreement (TİS) process, which commenced on September 28, 2023, had reached an impasse during the fifth meeting on November 22, 2023. As no agreement was reached in three additional meetings called by MESS, Birleşik Metal-İş union decided to strike on January 19, 23, and 24 in various factories.
Just two days before the strike, MESS accepted the demands of the workers. According to the agreement reached for the 2023-2025 period Group Collective Labor Agreement, naked hourly wages received a 98% increase in the first 6 months and a 30% increase in the second 6 months.
According to the agreement:
▶ Wage increase: An average increase of 98% in naked hourly wages was accepted for the first 6-month period.
The rate of increase will be distributed as follows:
For workers whose hourly wages are below 65 lira, their hourly wages will first be raised to 65 lira, then a 32% increase will be applied, followed by an additional fixed amount of 30 lira.
In addition to this increase, a seniority increment of 2 lira per hour will be applied for each year of service, up to a maximum of 15 years. Seniority increments for early retirees will be based on their initial employment date.
▶ From March 1 onwards (for the second 6-month period of the contract), a 30% increase will be applied.
However, if the inflation for the 6-month period exceeds 30%, the resulting inflation rate will be applied.
▶ In the third 6-month period of the contract, an increase will be made by adding a 3-point welfare share to the inflation rate.
▶ In the final and fourth 6-month period, an increase will be made based on the inflation rate.
Birleşik Metal-İş union announced that with this agreement, in practice, the income of a metal worker as of August 31, 2023, will increase by 102.3% as of September 1, 2023. Furthermore, as of March 1, 2024, a cumulative increase of 157.4% in wages has been achieved. (AEK/PE)