Merkel Permits Humorist Böhmermann to be Tried
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German Chancellor, Angela Merkel has announced that she will authorize jurisdiction to judge Jan Böhmermann who read a poem poking fun at President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on crime of “insulting representatives of foreign countries” regulated in Article 103 of German Penal Code.
According to report of Deutsche Welle, the required approval for Böhmermann to be tried was granted by Chancellor Merkel.
Merkel stating “independent jurisdiction must have the final word, not the government” said they will take steps in the direction of repealing Article 103 free from this incident. Merkel also emphasized that Turkey should respect freedom of the press and expression.
What had happened?
After Ambassador of Germany being summoned to Ministry of Foreign Affairs due to the song “Erdowie, Erdowo, Erdowahn” satirizing Erdoğan broadcasted on the TV Programme Extra 3 on the German Channel NDR, also satirist Jan Böhmermann had presented a racist and sexist poem addressed to Erdoğan on his satire show on the German public TV ZDF.
The poem which included sexist and racist expressions had become an issue between the two countries and was banned from broadcast. Also investigation was launched into Jan Böhmerman on charges of “insulting representatives or organs of foreign states” demanding three years of imprisonment. (EA/TK)