Men killed at least 327 women in 2022

According to the current data compiled by bianet from the news reported in the local, national, and online press in the period of January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022, men killed at least 337 women in 2022.
*Video: Kıvılcım Akay, Infographics: Yağmur Karagöz
Click to read the article in Turkish / Kurdish
* The number of women killed by men in 2022 was 327. If 14 femicides, committed in the past years, but reported in the press in 2022, are added to this number, the number becomes 341. Some of these 14 femicides had been reported in the news as "unidentified murders" or "suspicious deaths" in previous years.
In the same period (January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022), men killed 39 children, raped 32 women, forced 442 women to sex work, harassed 156 women, and abused 238 children in Türkiye. Men injured 793 women.
The deaths of at least 198 women, including trans women, were reported in the news as "suspicious" in 2022.
In 2022, men attempted to kill at least 12 women and threatened 42 women with killing or inflicting violence on them.
In 2021, the deaths of at least eight women, including trans women, were reported as "suicides", "driving to suicide" and "suspicious suicides."
According to the news reported in the press, men killed at least 26 women despite "protection" and "restraining" orders or requests.
In 2022, at least four women exercised their right of self-defense to be protected from the men who had inflicted violence on them and sexually assaulted them.
Men killed at least 337 women in 2022. Moreover, men killed at least 37 men who were with the women during the femicides.
23 women who men killed were migrants. Men killed LGBTI+'s Günay Özyıldız and İpek Ağmaz and injured at least 16 LGBTI+ in 2022.
Where did men kill women?
Men killed 208 women inside the house, and 98 women outside, like in forested land or in the hospital. The scenes of 21 femicides were not reported in the news.
The provinces where men killed women Adana (14), Afyon (8), Ağrı (1), Aksaray (2), Ankara (13), Antalya (21), Antep (8), Ardahan (1), Aydın (6), Balıkesir (7), Bartın (1), Batman (1), Burdur (1), Bursa (10), Çanakkale (2), Çorum (1), Denizli (8), Diyarbakır (7), Düzce (3), Edirne (1), Elazığ (2), Erzincan (1), Erzurum (1), Eskişehir (1), Giresun (3), Hatay (5), Iğdır (2), İstanbul (55), İzmir (15), Karabük (1), Karaman (3), Kastamonu (1), Kayseri (12), Kırıkkale (2), Kırklareli (1), Kırşehir (4), Kilis (1), Kocaeli (14), Konya (13), Malatya (3), Manisa (6), Maraş (4), Mardin (7), Mersin (7), Muğla (8), Nevşehir (2), Niğde (4), Ordu (3), Osmaniye (2), Rize (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (8), Sinop (1), Sivas (4), Şırnak (1) Tekirdağ (6), Tokat (2), Trabzon (4), Urfa (6), Van (3), Yozgat (2), Zonguldak (1) |
Who killed women?
In 2022 236 women were killed by men who were closest to them, their partners such as their husbands or boyfriends, 30 women by family members such as their brothers, fathers, or sons, and 22 women by male relatives.
Besides five women were killed by their sons-in-law, a sex worker woman by her client, a woman doctor by her patient, five women by their neighbors, two women by their friends, one woman by a robber entering her house, and one woman by her employer.
The degrees of relationship between 23 women and the 17 men who killed them were not reported in the press.
How did men kill women?
Men killed 197 women with firearms, 83 women with sharp objects, and 11 women by battering. Men killed four women torturing them, three women by throwing them from the balcony, and 22 women by strangling them. Men killed two women burning them while the methods of killing in five femicides were not reported in the news.
Under what 'pretexts' did men kill women?
Men killed 110 women because "they wanted to break up" or "did not accept their marriage proposal" while they killed seven women "out of jealousy," two women in order to seize their belongings, and ten women for their "inherited wealth" of for "economic interest.."
Men killed one woman claiming "she was making noise," two women "because they had dogs," two women for "getting the custody of the children," and one woman "because she did not cook." Men killed one woman saying "I was exorcising out of her," and two women in alleged "honor" killings. The reason for men to kill one woman was "joking."
Judicial Process There were at least 321 male perpetrators who killed women. Only 180 perpetrators were arrested. The judicial process of 15 perpetrators was reflected in the press as "fled" or "wanted," while 41 perpetrators were taken into custody. The judicial process of 23 perpetrators was not reported in the press, it was reported that the judicial process was started for four perpetrators. While six perpetrators were released 52 committed suicide. |
Child murder
According to the updated data compiled by bianet from the news reported in the local, national, and online press in the period of January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022, men killed at least 39 children in Turkey under the "pretext" of harming or taking revenge on the women whom they inflicted violence on.
Among the children killed by men were also minors forced into early marriage.
Who killed children?
28 children were killed by their fathers/stepfathers. Two children were killed by their elder brothers, one child by a relative, three children by men they were being forced into early marriage with, and three children by boys of their age. The degrees of relationship between the two children and the men who killed them were not reported in the news.
The names of children men killed in 2022 Ayşenur K., Edanur Demir, Gamze S., Yahya A., Sıla Ş., Nuray Demir, Mehmet Ali A., Ömer Asil A., Muhammet Tahir A., A.S., Kadir G., Kiril N., Merveh S., Meryem S., Tetrana N., Naki Ç., Emir Ç., Halid M., Rukiye Ömür, Selim Ali, Nazlı Erva Ö., Yiğit D, Beyza Doğan, Derya K., Emirhan Aytemir, Firdevs B., Melek K. Muhammed, T.Ö., Z.B., Nazlı E., Büşra Kabataş, Tuğçe, Yusuf, Eylül Mina., Melike Arıbaş, Kevser A., Merve A. |
Judicial Process There were 30 men who were perpetrators who killed children in 2022. Only 12 perpetrators were arrested. 13 perpetrators committed suicide. The judicial processes of two perpetrators were reported in the news as "taken into custody." The judicial processes of five perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Male violence in numbers in last 5 yearsMen Killed at least 284 Women in 2019 Men Killed at least 339 Women in 2020 |
Men raped 32 women in Turkey in 2022, according to the updated data compiled by bianet from the news reported in the local, national, and online press in the period of January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022.
Nine women who were raped by men had mental disabilities.
Who raped women?
One woman was raped by a grocer, one woman by a doctor, six women by their relatives, one woman by her yoga teacher, one woman by her boyfriend, seven women by their friends, and one woman by a real estate agent. The degrees of relationship between the 14 women and the men who raped them were not reported in the press.
Where did men rape women?
Men raped 17 women in places outside the house and 12 women inside the house. The scenes of incidents where three women were raped by men were not reported in the press.
Judicial Process There were 43 perpetrators who raped women. 20 perpetrators were arrested. The judicial processes of seven perpetrators were not reported in the press. 9 perpetrators were detained. The judicial process of five perpetrators was reported in the press as "wanted or escaped." An investigation was started for two perpetrators. |
Men harassed at least 156 women in 2022. At least 16 cases of harassment happened systematically. There were migrant women among the women whom men harassed.
Who harassed women?
In 2022 six women were harassed by health employees, six women by their relatives, eight women by male politicians, two women by municipality employees, two women by their neighbors, two women by their bosses, one woman by specialist sergeants, nine women by couriers, four women by their friends, six women by ex-boyfriend/husband, and one woman by a taxi driver. The degree of acquaintance between 109 perpetrators and the women whom they harassed was not reported in the press.
How did men harass women?
Men harassed 107 women verbally and physically, 39 women by filming them, and 10 women by showing them masturbation actions.
Where did men harass women?
Men harassed 141 women outside of the home, and five women at home. Where men harassed ten women were not reported in the press.
Judicial Process There were at least 159 perpetrators who harassed women. 30 perpetrators were arrested. 57 perpetrators were detained. Judicial processes about 21 perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Child abuse
According to the current data compiled by bianet from the news reported in the local, national, and online press in the period of January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022, men abused 238 children, including boys, in 2022.
Who abused children?
At least 65 children were abused by school employees including teachers, 10 children by relatives including elder brothers, 25 children by Qur'an course educators, and religious sect members, two children by neighbors, one child by the employer, one child by a public employee, five children by their fathers, six children by health employees including dentists, eight children by shopkeepers, two children by their boyfriends, and five children by janitors. Two children were abused by men with whom they were being forced into early marriage. The degree of acquaintance between 106 children and at least 86 men who harassed them was not reported in the news.
Where did men abuse children?
Men abused 198 children in places outside of the home, such as schools, Qur'an courses, and streets while they abused 18 children at home. The places where men abused 22 children were not reported in the news.
Judicial Process 52 perpetrators were arrested. 15 perpetrators were detained. The judicial process of 20 perpetrators was reported in the press as "escaped" or "sought" and of six perpetrators as "suspended from duty." While 15 perpetrators were detained the judicial process of 45 perpetrators was not reported in the press. |
Men inflicted violence on at least 793 women in 2022. Men "seriously injured" at least 72 women.
Who inflicted violence on women?
At least 548 women were subjected to violence from their partners such as husbands and boyfriends, 35 women from their family members such as fathers or brothers, one woman from a neighbor, 22 women from policemen, three women from drivers, 13 women from friends, four women from sons-in-law, 16 women from relatives, one woman from a thief, and three women from hospital employees. The degree of acquaintance between 147 women and the men who inflicted violence on them was not reported in the news.
How did men inflict violence on women?
Men injured 573 women by battering them, 87 women with sharp objects, 104 women with firearms, and one woman by placing a bomb set-up in her car. Men threw three women off the balcony, took three women hostage, and burned 16 women. Men tried to run over two women with automobiles and poisoned one woman with natural gas. Men inflicted digital violence on many women. How men inflicted violence on two women was not reported in the press.
Where did men inflict violence on women?
Men inflicted violence on 398 women at home and 316 women outside. While men inflicted violence on two women on social media, the place where they inflicted violence on 77 women was not reported in the press.
Judicial Process Only 56 were arrested out of more than 500 perpetrators. 79 perpetrators were detained. 18 perpetrators were released. Legal action was taken against 138 perpetrators. Judicial processes about 45 perpetrators were reported as "escaped, sought" in the news. Restraining orders were issued against at least 10 perpetrators. One perpetrator was ordered to wear an ankle monitor. 22 perpetrators committed suicide. No judicial procedures were carried out for 20 perpetrators. A law case was started for five perpetrators. It was reported in the press that an investigation was started for 30 perpetrators while the judicial processes about at least 300 perpetrators were not reported in the news. |
Forced sex work
Men forced at least 442 women to do sex work in 2022. There were children younger than 18 among those who were forced to do sex work.
232 women who were forced to do sex work were not citizens of Türkiye.
Judicial Process There were 454 male perpetrators who forced women to do sex work. 166 of them were arrested. 218 perpetrators were detained. At least 70 perpetrators were released. |
Murder | 327 |
Child Murder | 39 |
Violence against LGBTI+(injury or murder) | 18 |
Violence-injury | 793 |
Rape - sexual assault | 32 |
Harassment | 156 |
Child abuse | 238 |
Forced sex labor | 442 |
Total number of male violence cases reported in the press in 2022 | 2045 |
Names of women that men killed in 2022
Aysel Y., Canan I., Dilan P. , Dilara Yıldız, Elif T., Emsal E., Esra U., Funda K., Gözde K., Gülbeyaz P., Günay Özyıldız*, Hacer Evlice, Hasanpaşa Ö., Hüda Gün, Keziban K., Naima Gün, Nermin Celep, Nurcan K., Ömür Erez, Raziye Oskay, Safiye G., Safura G., Zeynep Ş.
*trans woman killed
Arife A., Aysel Yaşar, Azime Akman, Damla Kuş, Duriye Taşdelen, Eda Nur E., Esin D., Gülbahar K., Güler Gül, Gülsüm K., Hanife B., Hasret Dalkoparan, Hatice D., Hazal Alpyörük, Hilal A., Hüsne E., Nazife B. Olha E., Şahizer A., Tülin Çetin, Vasfiye E., Yasemin A.
Adviye Özgür, Aıdanah Abykaliewa, Asya Pınar Üzümcü, Aynur K., Ayşe İşlek, Ayşe O., Ayşe P., Buket P., Çiçek Y., Ebru Cızdan, Eda Evli, Emine S., Fadime K., Fatma Çetin, Fatma Gümüş, Fatma S., Gülşen O., Kader Vural A., Marziye Salehzade, Nargul Jepbarova, Raziye Karabuğa, Remziye Y., Şeyma Demir, Tuba K., Yağmur Sönmez.
Ayşe Ş., Berivan Altürk, Bilge A., Ceylam K., Demet A., Duriye G., Elif G., Esma S., Fatma N., Gözde Ç., Gülay Doğan, Hatce K., Hatice E., Hatice K., Havva Ruhcan, Irodakhon D., İrem Kostakoğlu, Kader Gökçe, Nahide Özçimen, Nur E., Nurcan S., Remziye Tüysüz, Semta T., Sevim Yılmaz, Şükrü Gür, Turana Umayev, Ülkü Durmaz, Zenep Gıcık, Zerif Doğan.
Ayşe A., Dilej Ceylan, Recea M., Zeynep Koyun, Sultan Irmak, İpek Ağmaz*, Asiye Nur Atalay, Sema K., Hülya Elkoca, Hatice Ç., Sakine Kültür, Safiye M., Yeliz Kalkan, Sinem Sökmen, Zehra Ç., Nusel T., Şule T., Serap Bor, Cansu Geyik, Haldun Uyaroğlu, Şeyma Biran, Pınar Kızıl, Derya Karya, Gol Bibi, Rojda Ş., Beril Varol, Türkan Demir, Nevriye Ş., Keziban Başak D., B.T., Güler T., the name of one woman killed by men was not reported in the press.
*trans woman killed
Aysel Bozkurt, Ayşecik Dağıstanlı Ceylan, Cansu Sezer, Emine El A., Ezgi Taşıran, Funda G., Gamze A., Gülümser S., "G., H.Ş., Hasibe A., Hatice B., Hatice Barış, İrem E., Keremet Nyshanova, Kübra Açar, Meryem K., N.D., Nilgün Söken, Özlem Ç., Özlem D., Rabia A., Refika K., S.M., Sevim Özdemir, Saadet P., Saliha Birincibubar, Stalina Luisa, Şengül K., Ummuhan Y., Yasemin Öztürk, Yıldız Y.
Birgül BÇ., Derya Tekin, Döndü S., E.B., Elif Güneş, Emine Y., Esra Altınkaynak, Esra Yamak, Ezgi Ö., Fatma Ö., Güllü S., Gülperi Aksoy, Huriye B., Kader D., Nedime Dinçer, Nurcan Orman, Nurgül Gülsoy D., Nuriye M., Nurten O., Öznur Tufan, Pınar Damar, R.D.A, Servet Bakırtaş, Sojida Kalandarova, Sultan P., Tülay E., Yasemin Çedik, Zeynep T.
Ayşe K., Ayşe P., Ayşen Ç., Berivan U., Dilek K., Ezgi Ö., Fadim S., Fikriye Vatansever, Filiz G., Gülten İnan, H.Ö, Hacer A., Hanige Ç., Hediye Y., Khvicha Osanadze, Leyla K., Mehlika Derici, Melek Yıldırım, Mihriban Arduç, Necla A., Neriman G., Nura Hac S., Rita E., Sanem G., Sevtap Akbacı, Sibel U., Susanber Özdemir, Şenay A., Şeyh Müslim, Ülkü A., Zeynep D
A.E., Arzu A., Arzu E., Ayşe Kılıç, Berna Kargı B., Damla Çubukçu, Dilek Ç., Dilek K., Ezgi Deler, Fadime Cuma, Fatma Zehra Koruyan, Handan Ö., Hatice T., Hava S., Havva D., Jelana S., Kiraz B., Nur Efşan T., Pakistan D., Sabiha B., Sunay Aslan Kaya, Şermin Sarı, T.S, Vildan B., Y.B., Zeliha D.
Bahar Torun, Bahtınur K., Beyza S., Burcu Tokaç, Dilek Ç., Döne Türkmen, Eda E., Emine C., Fadime Ç., Hacer Y., Havvanur K., Hena Şeyh Muhammed, Hilal Sultan Kırgöz, Huriye C., Huriye Z., Hülya Ş., Hüsniye Keskinbaş, İlksen T., Mevlüde A., Nadia Noori, Nazan Çatbaş, Nurhan İ., Nursel Bircan, Rahime Eker, Songül A., Sultan Ö., Tuğba U., Vahide Duran, Yadigar I., Yasemin S., Yasemin U., Zuhal I.
Aynur Çiçek, Derya Y., Elif I., Fadime D., Fatma T., Gulzoda Kaolava, Hasen A., Hülya A., İnci Bağış K., Kader Yiğit, Kudret K., Merve Özturan, Meryem Sevim, Müzeyyen T., Nazlı M., Nergis G., Neriman Sakallı, Nurten K., Özlem C., Özlem Eryağşi, Sarah Alı Shareef, Selcan Dönmezer, Shakhko Mukhtarova, Sidra Tameemi, Tülay V., Ümmühan H., Yasemin S., Zülfi Ç.
Ayşenur Çolakoğlu, Bahar H., Cansu A., Esmanur B., Evin Ç., G.A., Gisela Uysal, Gülcan A., Hülya Er, İclal Ş., Kıymet B., Mumine Basim M., Mutlu M. , Nuran F., Pelin Ceylan, Selver B., Tuğba Kul, Vasfiye Ç., Zübeyde T.
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