Men killed 31 women in January

Infographic: Yağmur Karagöz/bianet
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According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies, men killed at least 31 women and four children in January.
In January, the deaths of at least 28 women were "suspicious."
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Men inflicted violence on at least 72 women, abused at least 11 girls and boys, and harassed at least seven women. No cases of rape were reported in the press in January. This does not mean it did not happen.
In January, men killed at least 31 women. This figure was 23 in the same month last year. Men also killed five men who were together with the women whom they killed.
Men killed at least six women despite protection orders. One of the women was trans.
Names of the women who were killed by men in January Aslı Y., Aysun Ahnas, Ayşegül T., Ayşenur Akkurt, Bedriye E., Canan Ö. Canan S., Cansu Demirel, Dilara Gültay, Ecem Seçkin*, Emine E., Esengül K., Fadime Aç, Fatma E., Filiz Kaplan, Hülya Çetinkaya, Mine A., Muhbet C., N.U., Nevmiye Vural, Nurcan İnan, Pelin Sezer, S.Ü., Sema D., Sultan B., Sunay T., Şirvan G., Tuğçe C., Ummuhan Zerrin U., Ülkü Deniz E., Zerrin Büyük. *The trans woman killed by men. |
*Erkeklerin öldürdüğü trans kadın.
Provinces where men killed women Adana (1), Ağrı (1), Antalya (2), Bursa (4), Denizli (1), Eskişehir (2), Hakkari (1), Hatay (1), İstanbul (7), İzmir (2), Kırşehir (1), Kütahya (1), Malatya (1), Mersin (1), Muğla (1), Samsun (2), |
Men killed 11 women because they wanted to break up or did not want to make peace. Men's "excuses" for killing 20 women were not reported in the press.
15 women were killed by their husbands, ex-husbands or boyfriends, and three women by their fathers, sons or brothers. Two women were killed by their friends and three women by their relatives. The degree of acquaintance between the three women and the men who killed them was not reported in the press.
Men killed 20 women at home and seven women in places outside of the house such as streets, parks and workplaces. The places where men killed four women were not reported in the press.
Men killed 11 women with firearms, 16 women with sharp objects, one woman by strangling them and one woman by beating her.
The feminicide solved in January It was learned that Özgül Zonturlu (30), who claimed to have committed suicide and died on the road to the hospital in Urfa, was killed by her husband, M.A. The woman was shot in a vehicle on December 7, 2021. |
Judicial proceedings There were 28 perpetrators who killed women. Only 13 men were arrested. Six perpetrators were detained. The judicial proceedings regarding one perpetrator were reported as "committed suicide" and one was reported as "escaped." Judicial proceedings regarding two perpetrators were not reported in the press. *In some cases, men killed multiple women. |
Child murder
Men killed at least four children in January. This figure was three in the same month last year. All four children were killed by their fathers. In Batman, the man who killed his child said, "I wanted to hurt their mother."
Names of the children who were killed by men Adara A. Büşra A., Berat A., Yusuf Efe A. |
Provinces where men killed children İstanbul (3), Batman (1) |
Judicial proceedings There were two perpetrators who killed children. While the judicial proceedings regarding one perpetrator were not reported in the press, one perpetrator killed himself. |
Men harassed at least seven women in January. This figure was eight in the same month last year.
Men harassed six women verbally and physically. Men harassed at least one woman by taking their photos/videos.
Men harassed six women in places outside of the house such as the metro and bus, and one woman at home.
One woman was harassed by a lecturer at a university, and two women by their colleagues. The man who harassed three women was not reported in the press.
Provinces where men harassed women Aydın (1), Edirne (1), İstanbul (3), Kocaeli (1), Muğla (1). |
Judicial proceedings There were seven perpetrators who harassed women. Only two of them were arrested. Investigations were opened against three perpetrators. Judicial proceedings regarding two perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Child abuse
Men abused at least 11 boys and girls in January. This figure was 27 in the same month last year. One case of abuse was revealed after the child was impregnated. One of the children abused by men had been forced to marry a man while she was underage.
Men abused 10 children in places outside of the house such as schools, Quran courses and houses of religious communities and one child at home.
One child was abused by a member of a religious community, two children by their school principal, one child by their relative, one child by their father, one child by the man whom she was forced to marry, and one child by 40 men including civil servants. The degree of acquaintance between the four children and the men who harassed them was not reported in the press.
The body of a child from Syria, who was found to have died two months ago in Bursa, was found in animal manure. Four people were detained in relation to the incident.
Provinces where men abused children Antalya (2), Bursa (1), İstanbul (3), Konya (1), Muğla (1), Şırnak (1), Van (1). *The province where men abused one child was not reported in the press. |
Judicial proceedings There were 50 perpetrators who abused children. Only three perpetrators were arrested. Five perpetrators were detained. Cases were filed against two perpetrators. Judicial proceedings regarding two perpetrators were not reported in the press. No action was taken against 37 perpetrators. |
Violence / Injury
Men inflicted violence on 72 women in January. This figure was 57 in the same month last year.
At least nine women who were subjected to violence from men were hospitalized in "serious" condition. Men inflicted violence on at least 12 women by violating "protection orders."
Provinces where men inflicted violence on women Adana (2), Aksaray (1), Ankara (1), Bolu (2), Burdur (1), Bursa (1), Denizli (2), Edirne (17), Eskişehir (2), Hatay (1), İstanbul (11), İzmir (1), Karaman (1), Kocaeli (2), Konya (1), Manisa (1), Mardin (1), Ordu (2), Trabzon (1), Urfa (1), Van (1), Zonguldak (1). |
At least 56 women were injured by their husbands and boyfriends. One woman was injured by a taxi driver, and nine women by their family members. One woman was injured by a thief, one doctor woman by a patient, three women by their friends, and one woman by their employer.
Men inflicted violence on 22 women because they wanted to divorce or refused to make peace, one woman to rob her, and one woman because "she wanted an official marriage ceremony," and two women because of "jealousy." Men's excuses for inflicting violence on 46 women were not reported in the press.
Men inflicted violence on 51 women by beating them, 21 women with firearms, and five women with sharp objects. Men injured one woman by running her over.
Men injured 51 women at home, and 21 women in places outside of the house such as forests, clubs and streets. The place where men injured a woman was not reported in the press.
Judicial proceedings There were 72 perpetrators who inflicted violence on women. Only eight perpetrators were arrested. 16 perpetrators were detained. Legal action was initiated against 30 perpetrators. The judicial proceedings regarding six perpetrators were reported as "sought" and "escaped." Judicial proceedings regarding 12 perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Forced sex work
Men forced at least 13 women o do sex work in January. There were children among those who were forced to do sex work.
Provinces where men forced women to do sex work Erzincan (3), Kocaeli (8). |
Judicial proceedings There were eight perpetrators who forced women to do sex work. Two perpetrators were detained, and six were arrested. |
Explanation bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not include any cases or crimes that are not gender-based. Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add gender-based incidents to the report. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. Occupations of the offenders are only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier." We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible. |
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