Men killed 28 women in January
According to news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies, men killed at least 28 women and 5 children in January.
In January, the deaths of at least 19 women and one child were "suspicious."
Provinces where suspicious deaths occurred
Afyon (1), Amasya (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (3), Aydın (1), Düzce (5), İstanbul (3), İzmir (1), Karabük (1), Kocaeli (1), Mardin (1), Muğla (2), Siirt (1), Sinop (1), Sivas (1), Urfa (2), Uşak (2).
Men inflicted violence on at least 39 women, abused at least five girls and boys, and harassed at least two women. Men raped at least 1 woman in January.
In January 2023, men forced at least 39 women into sex work. Men threatened at least seven women with death.
Men killed at least 28 women in January. This figure was 31 in the same month last year.
Men killed at least two men who were together with the woman they killed.
Men killed at least six women despite restraining orders.
The women killed by men in January
Adile A., Arzu Çınar, Ayşegül Çınar, Ayşegül Oğuz, Bahar K., Bahar E.K., Burcu Gezersoy, Dilek U., Gökçe B., Gülseven D., Kader İrgören, Melike Akpınar, Muradiye A., Nazlı Elmas, Nesrin Ü., Özge Gülenyüz, Pervin B., Petek A., Safinaz Ayten, Seher A.K., Serap B., Shakhnoza Kurbonova, Şafiye B., Şengül Yeşilkaya, Şule Tokel, Tülay Dağaşan, Vatfa Behiye Ecevit, Yüksel Ç.
Provinces where men killed women
Ankara (2), Antalya (1), Antep (2), Aydın (1), Bursa (3), Diyarbakır (1), Eskişehir (1), Giresun (1), İstanbul (4), İzmir (1), Kocaeli (2), Manisa (3), Mardin (1), Mersin (1), Sakarya (2), Van (1), Zonguldak (1).
Men killed at least eight women because "they wanted to break up or did not want to make peace" and 2 women due to jealousy. Men killed one woman because "her daughter wanted to divorce" and one woman because “she didn’t loan him money.”
Men's “excuses” for killing 15 women were not reported in the press.
At least 21 women were killed by their husbands/boyfriends, and two women were killed by family members such as the father or grandson. The degree of acquaintance between one woman and the man who killed her was not reported in the press.
Men killed seven women outside the home, in places like on the street or in forested areas, and 20 women inside the home.
Judicial proceedings
There were 27 perpetrators who killed women. Only 15 perpetrators were arrested. Eight perpetrators committed suicide.
Feminicide reported in January
Fahriye K. (54), who was shot in the head by her son N.K. (40) during the incident where he killed his wife after an argument in Adana, passed away 54 days later in the hospital where she was receiving treatment. The incident occurred on November 26, 2023, when the man shot his mother and wife with a gun during a dispute at Fahriye K.'s house, then fled the scene on a motorcycle and was later arrested.
Child murder
Men killed five children in January. This number was four in the same month last year.
Two children were killed by their father and one by their friend. The degree of acquaintance between two children and the man who killed them was not reported in the press.
Provinces where men killed children
Antep (1), İstanbul (2), İzmir (2).
The name of the children killed by men
Behiye E., Büşra P., Linda, Melek Nur Özgener, S.S.Ç.
Judicial proceedings
There were five perpetrators who killed the children. Only one of them was arrested. Legal proceedings were initiated against one perpetrator. One perpetrator was taken into custody. One perpetrator committed suicide, and the legal process of another perpetrator was not reported in the media.
Men harassed at least two women in January. This figure was seven in the same month last year.
Men harassed two women verbally and physically.
Men harassed women outside the home in areas such as streets.
The degree of acquaintance between two women and the man who harassed them was not reported in the press.
Provinces where men harassed women
İstanbul (2)
Judicial proceedings
There was one perpetrator who harassed women. The judicial proceedings were not reported in the press.
Child abuse
In January, men abused at least five girls and boys. Last year, in the same month, this number was 11.
The men abused eight children in places outside their homes.
Provinces where men abused children
Ankara (5)
Judicial proceedings
A lawsuit was filed against the man who abused children.
Sexual assault/rape
In January, men raped one woman according to information reported in the press. Last year, in the same month, this number was one as well. One woman was raped by her relative.
Province where men raped women
Burdur (1).
Judicial proceedings
There was one perpetrator who raped women. He was detained.
Men inflicted violence on at least 39 women in January. This figure was 72 in the same month last year. At least two women were hospitalized in serious condition. At least three women were injured by men despite restraining orders.
Provinces where men inflicted violence against women
Adana (2), Aksaray (1), Denizli (1), Edirne (23), İstanbul (8), Manisa (1), Maraş (1), Samsun (1). Erkeklerin bir kadına nerede şiddet uyguladığı bilgisi basına yansımadı.
At least 31 women were injured by their husbands/boyfriends, one woman by her son-in-law, four women by their sons, two women by a driver and two women by her friends.
Men injured two women due to "jealousy" and at least seven women because they "did not want to reconcile, wanted to separate." The reasons for injuring 30 women by men have not been disclosed in the media.
Men physically assaulted 35 women, injured three women with sharp objects, and three women with firearms. Men burned down the house of a woman.
Men injured 19 women inside their homes and 11 women in places like public transportation, parks, and streets outside the home. Where men injured nine women was not reported in the press.
Judicial proceedings
There were at least 39 male perpetrators who injured women. Only two perpetrators were arrested. The status of three perpetrators was reported as "fled." One perpetrator committed suicide. Legal proceedings for 11 perpetrators have not been reported in the media.
Forced sex work
In January, men forced at least 39 women to do sex work. This number was 13 in the same month last year. 30 of the women were not citizens of Turkey.
Provinces where women were forced to do sex work
Erzincan (2), Isparta (3), İstanbul (1), İzmir (7), Kocaeli (17), Konya (5), Mersin (4).
Judicial proceedings
There was 28 perpetrators who forced women to do sex work. 17 perpetrators were arrested. 11 perpetrators were released.
bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence reported in the press.
We do not include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based.
Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline.
At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report.
We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia).
We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline.
In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either.
Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier."
We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible.
Men killed 28 women in January

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