Men killed 22 women in July

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According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites, and news agencies, men killed at least 22 women in July.
In July, the deaths of at least 22 women were "suspicious."
The provinces where suspicious deaths of women occurred Antalya (1), Çanakkale (2), Düzce (1), Elazığ (1), İstanbul (3), İzmir (2), Karabük (1), Karaman (2), Kayseri (2), Mardin (1), Mersin (1), Muğla (1), Ordu (1), Samsun (1), Urfa (1), Zonguldak (1) |
Men inflicted violence on at least 63 women, abused at least 1o boys and girls, and harassed at least seven women. Men forced at least 15 women into sex work in July.
There were no reports of rape in the press in July 2023.
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Male violence reported in 2023 In the first seven months of 2023, men killed 174 women, harassed 34 women, abused 75 children, subjected 420 women to violence, and raped six women. Men coerced at least 188 women into sex work. While the deaths of 150 women were reported as "suspicious" in the media, men killed 15 children. In the first seven months of 2022, men killed 191 women, harassed 89 women, abused 163 children, subjected 455 women to violence, and raped 20 women. Men coerced at least 363 women into sex work. During the first seven months of 2022, the deaths of 119 women were reported as "suspicious" in the media, and in the first seven months of the year, men killed at least 23 children. In the first seven months of 2021, men killed 174 women, harassed 78 women, abused 85 children, and raped 62 women. Men coerced at least 409 women into sex work, and inflicted violence on at least 491 women. During the first seven months of 2021, the deaths of 131 women were reported as "suspicious" in the media, and in the first seven months of the year, men killed at least 15 children. |
In July, men killed at least 22 women. This figure was 28 in the same month last year. Men also killed one man who were together with the woman whom they killed.
Men killed at least six women despite protection orders.
Names of the women who were killed by men in June Aysel E., Büşra A., Dilan Y., Fatma A., Gamze D., Gönül Er, Gülten A., Hedra A., Kader Akşan, Kader G., Kübra Ö., Melek Baştürk, Merve Girişmek, Nazlı Şahin, Saime Şahin, Sema Ç., Semra Elmas, Sevinç A., Sultan Zencirci, Suzan Ç., Zehra Aysel Ç., Zübeyde T. |
Provinces where men killed women Ankara (1), Antalya (1), Batman (1), Bursa (1), Çorum (1), Hatay (1), İstanbul (5), İzmir (1), Karaman (1), Malatya (1), Manisa (1), Mardin (1), Mersin (1), Nevşehir (2), Sakarya (1), Samsun (1), Şırnak (1). |
Men killed eight women because they wanted to "break up or did not want to make peace," one woman because "she did not give the keys of the car," one woman "because she did not give him her retirement salary." Men's "excuses" for killing 12 women were not reported in the press.
17 women were killed by their husbands, ex-boyfriends and lovers, two women by their friends/colleagues, and three women by their sons.
Men killed five women outside of the house such as streets and agricultural fields, and 13 women at home. The places where men killed four women were not reported in the press.
Men killed five women with sharp objects and 14 women with firearms. Men killed one woman by strangling her. How men killed two women was not reported in the press.
Judicial proceedings There were 21 perpetrators who killed women. Only seven of them were arrested. Three perpetrators killed themselves. Three perpetrators were taken into custody, the judicial proceedings of two perpetrators were reported as "escaped." The judicial proceedings regarding six perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Murder brought to light in July A man named M.D. killed a woman named A.B. in Mersin. The man was arrested. The incident was revealed when the dead body of a woman was found in a rural area on June 28. It was revealed that the man named M.D. was convicted for 41 separate crimes and sentenced to 35 years of imprisonment but had escaped from prison and that he was using the identity card of someone else for 3 years. |
Child Murder
Men killed at least two children in July. One child was killed by the father. One child was killed on the street by a passerby. Men killed one child with a sharp object and one child with a firearm.
Provinces where men killed children Adana (1), Nevşehir (1). |
Judicial proceedings There were three perpetrators who killed children. All three were arrested. |
Men harassed at least seven women in July. This figure was 17 in the same month last year.
Men harassed five women verbally and physically. Men sexually harassed two women by masturbating and recording videos in front of them. Men also harassed all seven women in public places such as streets, university campuses, stores, bus stops, and public transportation.
One woman was harassed by a doctor, the degree of acquaintance of the men and the women they harrassed was not reflected in the press.
Provinces where men harassed women İstanbul (6), Kastamonu (1). |
Judicial proceedings There were six perpetrators who harassed women. Only two perpetrators were arrested. One perpetrator was released. judicial proceedings were initiated for one perpetrator while no judicial proceedings were initiated for two perpetrators. |
Child abuse
Men abused at least 11 boys and girls in July. This figure was 16 in the same month last year. Some perpetrators had previously committed the same crime and had been prosecuted.
The men abused 11 children in non-residential areas such as studying centers, streets and parks.
Seven children were abused by the teacher in the studying center. The degree of acquaintance of the men who abused four children and the children was not reported in the press.
Provinces where men abused children Ağrı (1), İstanbul (9), Tekirdağ (1). |
Judicial proceedings There were seven perpetrators who abused children. Two were arrested and one was detained. The legal process of four perpetrators was not reported in the press or no judicial proceedings were initiated. |
Sexual assault/rape
There were no reported cases of rape in the media in July. However, this does not necessarily mean that there were no incidents of rape.
Violence / Injury
Men injured at least 63 women in July. This figure was 64 in the same month last year. 12 women were hospitalized in serious condition. Men injured at least nine women by violating "protection orders."
Provinces where men inflicted violence on women Adana (3), Adıyaman (2), Ankara (4), Antalya (1), Antep (1), Aydın (1), Batman (2), Bursa (1), Denizli (2), Diyarbakır (1), Edirne (26), İstanbul (11), İzmir (1), Kocaeli (2), Konya (1), Manisa (1), Mersin (1), Muğla (1), Zonguldak (1). |
At least 46 women were injured by their husbands or boyfriends. One woman was injured by the driver of of the vehicle she boarded. One woman was injured by a co-worker, one by a sales representative, and two women by their sons/brothers. The degree of acquaintance of 17 men who injured at least 11 women was not reflected in the press.
Men injured 16 women because they wanted a divorce or did not want to reunite. Men injured one woman because she kept a dog, one woman because she did not share her salary and four women for "jealousy."
Men injured 45 women through physical assault, one woman by throwing her out of the balcony, and one woman by strangling her. Men injured seven women by firearms, and six women with sharp objects. The method by which men killed two women was not reflected in the press.
Men injured 28 women inside their homes and 30 women in public places such as streets, wedding venues, hospitals, forested areas or in traffic. Information regarding where men injured five women was not reported in the media.
Judicial proceedings There were 68 perpetrators who injured women. Only six perpetrators were arrested. Five perpetrators were taken into custody. Judicial proceedings were initiated for 19 perpetrators. The vehicle certification of one perpetrator was cancelled. The judicial proceedings of seven perpetrators was reflected as "wanted" or "escaped." Three perpetrators committed suicide. No judicial proceedings were initiated for seven perpetrators. The judicial proceedings of at least 20 perpetrators were not reflected in the press. |
Forced sex work
In July, men coerced at least 15 women into sex work. Last year, this number was 12.
Among those coerced into sex work, 15 women were not citizens of Turkey. There were also children among those forced into sex work.
Judicial proceedings There were 3 eperpetrators who coerced women into sex work. All three were arrested. |
Provinces where men coerced women into sex work Ankara (15) |
Explanation bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not include any cases or crimes that are not gender-based. Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add gender-based incidents to the report. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia).We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline.In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. Occupations of the offenders are only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier."We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible. |