Men kill 32 women in May

Infographic: Yağmur Karagöz
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According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and news agencies, men killed at least 32 women and raped at least four women in Turkey in May.
In April, the deaths of at least 21 women (in Adana (1), Aydın (5), Çorum (1), Elazığ (1), Hatay (1), İstanbul (4), İzmir (1), Kayseri (1), Kırklareli (1), Manisa (2),Manisa (1), Ordu (1), Van (1)) were reported in the press as suspicious.
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In Aydın, a woman exercised her right of self-defense against her husband, who was systematically inflicting violence on and torturing her.
Men threatened women with killing or harming them in the province of Sakarya.
2021-2022 In the first five months of 2021, men had killed 126 women, harassed 50 women, abused 65 children and raped 48 women in Turkey. Men had forced at least 310 women to do sex work and inflicted violence and bodily harm on at least 320 women. In the first four months of 2021, the deaths of 99 women had been reported in the press as "suspicious" and men had killed at least eight children. |
In May 2022, men killed at least 32 women. Last April, this figure was 18. Men also killed at least four men accompanying the women.
One of the women killed by men was a trans woman. One of the men who killed women was a security guard.
One of the women who were killed by men was a citizen of Syria and one was of Afghanistan. Men killed at least five women despite "protection" or "restraining" orders.
Women killed by men in April Ayşe A., Dilej Ceylan, Recea M., Zeynep Koyun, Sultan Irmak, İpek Ağmaz*, Asiye Nur Atalay, Sema K., Hülya Elkoca, Hatice Ç., Sakine Kültür, Safiye M., Yeliz Kalkan, Sinem Sökmen, Zehra Ç., Nusel T., Şule T., Serap Bor, Cansu Geyik, Haldun Uyaroğlu, Şeyma Biran, Pınar Kızıl, Derya Karya, Gol Bibi, Rojda Ş., Beril Varol, Türkan Demir, Nevriye Ş., Keziban Başak D., B.T., Güler T., the name of one woman killed by men was not reported in the press. *The killed trans woman. |
Provinces where men killed women Afyon (1), Aksaray (2), Ankara (2), Antep (1), Aydın (1), Batman (1), Bursa (1), Çanakkale (1), Denizli (1), Diyarbakır (1), Düzce (2), Eskişehir (1), Iğdır (1), İstanbul (8), İzmir (4), Kocaeli (1), Şırnak (1), Urfa (1), Van (1). |
Men's "pretexts" for killing 19 women were not reported in the press. Men killed 12 women because "they wanted to break up or did not want to come back together." Men killed one woman during a "fee" dispute.
21 women were killed by their husbands, ex-husbands or boyfriends. Two women were killed by their relatives. The degree of acquaintance between seven women and eight men who killed them was not reported in the press. One woman was killed by her patient, and one by her neighbor.
Men killed 20 women inside the house and 12 women in places outside the house such as a forest area, street and hospital.
Men killed more than half of the women with firearms.
Men killed 20 women with firearms, two women by strangling them, five women by using sharp objects, two women by torturing them, one woman by battering her, and one woman by throwing her off from a balcony. How men killed one woman was not reported in the press.
Judicial Process There were 34 perpetrators who killed women. 22 perpetrators were arrested, eight perpetrators killed themselves. While The judicial process of one was not reported in the press, three perpetrators were detained. |
Feminicide reported in the press in May It was found that a man named H.G. had killed Filiz Biçer (32) and her son İsmail Biçer (12), who were killed during a fire in their home in İzmir in 2013. In his statement, the man said the woman was his girlfriend, and, after his family found out that, he burned her home so that she would be "scared and leave the neighborhood. |
Violence against child - Child murder
Men killed six children in May. Last year, this figure was one. All six children were killed by their fathers. Two women whom the men killed were from Ukraine, and two were from Afghanistan.
Men killed 3 children with knives, one child by battering them and two children by throwing them off from a balcony.
Names of the killed children A.S., Kadir G., Kiril N., Merveh S., Meryem S., Tetrana N. |
Provinces where men killed children Ankara (1), Antalya (2), Aksaray (2), Bursa (1). |
Judicial process There were four perpetrators who killed children. One was detained. Two perpetrators killed themselves. One perpetrator was arrested. |
Sexual assault / Rape
According to the news reported in the press, men raped at least four women in May. Last May, this number was nine.
One woman was raped by her yoga instructor, and two women were raped by their doctor. Information as to who raped one woman was not reported in the press.
Provinces where men raped women Adana (1), Ankara (1), Burdur (1), İstanbul (1). |
Judicial process There were four women who raped women. Investigations were opened against two perpetrators, both of them were arrested. |
Men harassed at least 11 women in May 2022. This figure was 13 in the same month last year.
Men harassed six women verbally and physically. Men harassed five women by taking photos of or filming them.
Men harassed 11 women in places outside of the house. The degree of acquaintance between 10 men and the women whom they harassed was not reported in the press while one woman was harassed by her neighbor.
Provinces where men harassed women Adana (1), Antep (1), İstanbul (7), Kocaeli (1), Muğla (1) |
Judicial process There were 12 perpetrators who harassed women. Only one perpetrator was arrested. Three perpetrators were detained. Investigations were opened against three perpetrators. A restraining order was issued against one perpetrator. One perpetrator was released. Judicial processes about three perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Child abuse
Men abused at least 18 girls and boys in April. This figure was eight in the same month last year.
The degree of acquaintance between 30 men and at least 12 children whom they abused was not reported in the press. Four children were abused by their teacher, one child by a civil servant, and one child by a school bus driver.
Men abused 18 children in places outside of the house, such as schools and streets. One of the children abused by men was from Iraq.
Provinces where men abused children Adana (1), Bartın (1), Burdur (1), Düzce (2), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (4), Muğla (1), Muş (1), Samsun (9), Şırnak (1). |
Judicial process There were 12 perpetrators who abused children. 10 perpetrators were arrested. One perpetrator was released. Legal action was taken against one perpetrator. |
Men inflicted violence on at least 64 women in April. This figure was 67 in the same month last year.
10 women subjected to violence from men were hospitalized in "serious" condition. Men inflicted violence on at least 10 women by violating "protection orders."
One of the women subjected to violence from men was from Syria.
Provinces where men inflicted violence on women Adana (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (2), Antep (4), Bartın (1), Bursa (4), Çorum (1), Denizli (2), Dersim (1), Edirne (28), İstanbul (8), İzmir (4), Kayseri (2), Kocaeli (1), Konya (1), Samsun (1), Urfa (2) |
At least 46 women were injured by their husbands or ex-boyfriends. One woman was injured by her father, and one was her colleague. The degree of acquaintance between 15 women and 16 women whom they injured was not reported in the press.
Men inflicted violence on eight women because they wanted to break up, three women because of jealousy and one woman because she did not want to pay dues. Men inflicted violence on one woman because she was late to work, while men's "excuses" for inflicting violence on 52 women were not reported in the press.
While men injured 51 women by battering them, they injured four women with firearms and six women with sharp objects. Men injured two women with caustic substances and attempted to kill one woman with natural gas.
Men injured 24 women in places outside of the house such as buses and forests and 30 women at home. The places where men inflicted violence on 10 women were not reported in the press.
Judicial process There were 65 perpetrators who inflicted violence on women. Only one perpetrator was arrested. Investigations were opened against 30 perpetrators. Restraining orders were issued against at least three perpetrators. The process about one perpetrator was reported as "he committed suicide" and one perpetrator was reported as "police killed him." While the processes about at least three perpetrators were reported as "escaped, sought by police," restraining orders were issued about two perpetrators. While seven perpetrators were detained, judicial processes about at least 17 perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Forced sex work
Men forced at least 65 women to do sex work in May. This number was 584 in the same month last year. 27 women who were forced to do sex work were not citizens of Turkey. There were children among those who were forced to do sex work.
Judicial process There were 72 perpetrators who forced men to do sex work. 52 perpetrators were detained, two perpetrators were released from detention. |
Explanationbianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based. Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier." We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible. |
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