Men Kill 30 Women in December

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According to the news that bianet has compiled from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 30 women, one baby and four men in December 2018.
In December, men raped at least nine women, forced 47 women and one girl child to sex work, harassed 11 women and sexually abused nine children. Men also inflicted injury and violence on at least 16 women.
In addition, men attempted to kill at least three women in Antep, İstanbul and Eskişehir. One husband, who was held accountable for the suspicious death of a woman in Van, has been arrested for "attempted murder."
In İstanbul, Gülten Gülüm was killed in the middle of the street. No information regarding the perpetrator was reported in the news. In Izmir, the deceased body of one woman was found in a forest.
Four women also died in a suspicious manner in the provinces of Adana, İstanbul, Kayseri and Ankara. In İzmir, the whereabouts of two women has still been unknown.
Throughout 2018, men killed at least 255 women and 17 children, including babies; raped 61 women; harassed 188 women; forced 516 women, including girl children, to sex work; and sexually abused 347 girls. Men also injured at least 380 women in 2018.
According to the Male Violence Monitoring Report of bianet in 2017, men killed 286 women and girl children, raped 101 women, harassed 248 women, sexually abused 377 girls and inflicted violence on 418 women.
Men murdered at least 30 women, one baby* and four men in December. One of the deceased women was from Syria. In December 2017, men killed 31 women, five children and two men, who attempted to prevent a murder.
Moreover, men injured three men, two of whom were their children (above the age of 18), accompanying the women that they killed. Men also wounded two children, who were under the age of 15 and one of whom was his child.
Men killed four men who were accompanying the women.
The names of murdered women are as follows:
Aynur Top, Emine Topluca, Esmel El H., Fatma K., Feride Kaya, Gizem Danış, Gülüstan A., Gülseren K., Hediye İnanç, Hürü Ergi, Mehtap Er, Mekiye Kaya, Meral T., Meral Uzda, Merve Özcan, Muazzez Kınay, Nefise Dolapçı, Nesrin Cengiz, Nilüfer Danış, Pınar Çoban, Robin Yetiş, Rojda Bulga, Sadiye Andıç, Seda Ulu, Serpil Yıldız, Sevda Çopur, Sevgi Völler, Simge Yıldız, Şerife Boztepe, Zuhal Kayaalp.
Women were murdered in the following provinces:
Adana (1), Ankara (5), Antalya (1), Burdur (2), Bursa (2), Diyarbakır (1), Elazığ (1),Hatay (2), İstanbul (2), İzmir (2), Kayseri (1), Konya (2), Mardin (2), Nevşehir (2), Osmaniye (1), Samsun (1), Tokat (1), Urfa (1)
In three murder cases, there was a suspension warrant issued against the perpetrators. One of the perpetrators was a child.
One of the men who killed a woman was a retired professional soldier, one of them was a professional soldier and one of them was a police officer.
Men murdered 11 of 30 women on the pretext that they demanded separation/divorce. Three women were killed on the allegation of "jealousy". Men murdered one woman due to "honor" and killed two women because their daughters wanted divorce. One of the deceased women was killed because she was planning to go out with her friend in the evening. One woman was murdered by a man, whom she wanted to be quiet.
16 of the women were murdered by their husbands, two of them by their sons-in-law, two of them by their lovers, two of them by their ex-husbands, one of them by her former colleague, one of them by her fiance, one of them by her father, one of them by their big brother, one of them by her neighbor and one of them by her ex-lover. One woman was killed by the nephew of her husband. The degree of acquaintance of one woman with the perpetrator was not reported in the news.
While 23 of the 30 deceased women were killed at home and six of them on the street, one scene of incident was not reported in the news.
Men murdered 20 of the women with firearms (pistol-rifles), eight of them with knives and one woman with a hammer. It was not reported in the press how one of the deceased women was killed.
It was reported that one of the murdered women was forced to marriage when she was a child.
Judicial Process Eight of the perpetrators of femicides committed suicide, six of them were caught by law enforcement agencies, five of them surrendered, three of them were detained, three of them were arrested and three of them escaped. |
Men raped at least three women in December.
One woman was raped by her lover and at least two of the perpetrators were gynecologists and obstetricians, whom women consulted for medical treatment.
Judicial Process One of the perpetrators was arrested; one of them was released on probation upon the objection of his attorney. A lawsuit has been filed against one perpetrator, who faces up to 36 years in prison. |
Forced sex work
Men forced at least 47 women and one girl to sex work in December. 39 of the women were not citizens of Turkey.
Adıyaman (6), Antalya (8), Balıkesir (5), Bartın (3), İstanbul (20), Maraş (several), Mersin (1), Tekirdağ (2), Uşak (2).
Judicial Process 31 of the 47 offenders were detained. Situations regarding 15 of the offenders were not covered by the press. |
Men harassed at least 11 women.
Ankara (1), Antalya (4), İzmir (1), Kocaeli (2), Mardin (2), Sivas (1)
Incidents of harassment took place in public spaces such as markets and buses. Two men attempted to kidnap a woman, whom they previously harassed on social media. One man harassed a woman by flashing in a theatre. One of the offenders was a teacher.
Judicial Process Four of the nine offenders were arrested. The harasser teacher's place of duty was changed. Criminal complaints were made against two of the offenders. Legal situation about one offender was not covered on the press. |
Child abuse
Men sexually abused nine girls.
Bursa (2), Erzurum (1), İzmir (4), Kilis (1), Samsun (1).
Children were abused in public places: Four at school, one in school bus, four on the street.
Two of the abusers were school bus drivers, one of them was a teacher. The teacher has reportedly been systematically abusing three girls at the school.
Judicial Process Three offenders were arrested, one was sentenced to 8 years and 6 months in prison but the sentence was not executed due to the offender's age (66). One of the offenders was released from custody. An investigation has been launched against one offender. |
Violence – Injury
Men injured at least 16 women by physical violence.
Adana (1), Antep (1), Ankara (1), Eskişehir (1), İstanbul (2), İzmir (1), Karabük (1), Kocaeli (1), Manisa (1), Mersin (1), Ordu (1), Osmaniye (1), Tekirdağ (1), Urfa (1), Zonguldak (1).
Men injured 10 women on street and seven women at home. One offender was a school principal, an investigation has been launched against him.
Judicial Process Six of the offenders ran away, one of them were caught, four of them were detained. A suspension warrant was issued for one of the offenders. |
The bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence. We do not include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based.
Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline.
At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report.
We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia).
We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline.
In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either.
Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier."
We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible.
* In Bursa, O.K. (25) killed his wife, whom he took as hostage at home, and their five-month-old baby. The police got into the home by breaking the door and arrested the man.
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