Men kill 285 women, wound 711 women in 326 days

* Infographic: Yağmur Karagöz / bianet
Click to read the article in Turkish / Kurdish
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, in several provinces of Turkey, men killed at least 285 women in 326 days from January 1, 2021 to November 23, 2021. Three women killed by men were trans.
CLICK - Methodology of bianet male violence monitoring reports
Of the women killed by men, two were from Afghanistan, one from Morocco, one from Syria, one from Ukraine, one woman was Ezidi, one was from Russia and one was a migrant from Kyrgyzstan.
In the period of January 1, 2021 - November 23, 2021, the deaths of at least 193 women were reported in the press as "suspicious".
In the first 23 days of November 2021, men killed 29 women and wounded 41 women in Turkey.
Who killed the women?
More than half of the women were killed by their husbands, ex-husbands, boyfriends or ex-boyfriends
172 women were killed by their husbands, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends or ex-husbands. At least 52 women were killed by their family members such as elder brothers, fathers, sons and son-in-laws, 28 women were killed by their neighbors and friends, 12 women were killed by male burglars who broke into their houses. The relation/acquaintance between at least 37 women and the men who killed them was not reported in the news.
How did men kill the women?
Men killed 53 percent of women with firearms
Men killed 150 women with firearms, 77 women with sharp objects, 14 women by battering them, four women by burning them, six women by crashing them and 21 women by strangling them. The methods of killing in 13 feminicides were not reported in the press.
Where did men kill the women?
Men killed 61 percent of women inside the house
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed 173 women inside the house and 82 women in places outside the house such as the streets, woods and workplaces. The scenes of 30 incidents were not reported.
CLICK - bianet male violence monitoring reports
The fate and whereabouts of Munzur University student Gülistan Doku have been unknown since January 5, 2020.
According to bianet male violence monitoring reports, some details from the feminicides caused by male violence in Turkey in the period of January 1, 2021 to November 23, 2021 are as follows...
* In Ankara, one woman had to kill the man who inflicted violence on her daughter by using her right of self-defense; in Antalya, a woman named M.İ. used her right of self defense and killed her husband R.İ., who handcuffed and detained her naked and battered her for hours.
* One of the men killed the woman after being released from prison.
CLICK - Men kill 22 women in January
* Men threatened at least 10 women with "death" or "sexual assault." In İstanbul, one man who "attempted to kill his mother" was arrested.
* At least four women killed by men had protection or restraining orders issued. One of the women killed by men was from Morocco.
CLICK - Men kill 33 women in February
* Three women killed by men had a protection or restraining order. One of the women killed by men was a transgender woman. One man left the prison 'on leave' and killed a woman.
CLICK - Men kill 36 women in March
* In at least seven provinces of Turkey, men threatened women with "killing" them or "inflicting violence" on them.
*In Samsun, one woman exercised her right of self-defense against her husband who had been inflicting violence on her and killed the man.
* Two women killed by men in April 2021 had protection or restraining orders. One man killed the woman after he had been released from prison.
CLICK - Men kill 17 women in April
*Four women killed by men had protection or restraining orders issued. On eof the woman killed by men was from Syria.
CLICK - Men kill 18 women in May
*Deaths of two women in Diyarbakır and Mersin were reported as "unsolved murders" in the press. In İstanbul, a man attempted to kill a woman.
*One of the women killed by men was from Ukraine.
CLICK - Men kill 24 women in June
*Men killed 3 women despite "restraining orders." The man who killed two women was a specialist sergeant.
CLICK - Men killed 24 women in July
*Two women in Balıkesir and Eskişehir exercised their right to self defense.
*The person who killed a woman was a police officer. One of the women killed by men was frm Afghanistan and one was an Ezidi. Man who killed a woman was a "juvenile."
CLICK - Men kill 34 women in August
*The person who killed a woman was a specialist sergeant.
*One of the women killed by men was from Afghanistan, one was from Russia and one was from Azerbaijan. One of the women killed by men was a trans woman.
CLICK - Men killed 26 women in September
*One of the women killed by men was a trans woman. One woman was a citizen of Kyrgyzstan.
Names of women killed by menJanuary: Aleyna Yurtkölesi, Arzu Aygün, Aslıhan Dal, Aygül Ç., Ayşe Yaylan, Dilan K., Döndü B., Esma A., Ferdane Kurt, Feride Y., Gonca Pekşen, Hatice B., Hatice S., Melek Ayaz G., Nergis Beyaz, Neriman K., Sevda K., Sevgi Tekin, Süryan B., Şadiye Öztürk, Şükran B., Vildan İ. February: Ayşe Nazlı Kınacı, Birgül Y., Canan A., El Mohammed, Emel Tokkal, Feride T., Gamze Kaçar B., Gonca A., Güler Kaya, Gülistan Ş., Gülsüm B., Hacer Ç., Hanife Y., Hatice H., Hatice T., İkram K., Kader Balcı, Karanfil Ö., Melek G., Meral Şen, Meryem Güneş, Mihrican E., Nergiz S., Nur Cemil H., Pınar Can, Raziye Ö., Saime Ü., Samira Lkhadır, Saniye Kaçar, Semiha Peker, Sibel A., Şule Yıldırım, Zeynep I. March: Aysel Y., Bedia A., Bensu Narlı, Beyzanur F., Cennet A., Ceyda Ö., Elif Atay, Fatma Kovan, Gamze G., Gülbahar Asabay, Gülsen Işık G., Halime Türkaslan, Hanım Pınarlı, Hatice Ş., Hatice Y., Havva Yılmaz, Hüsna T., İslim A., Mediha A., Meral S., Mervenur Polat, Miraş Güneş, Nagihan Üste, Nebahat K., Necla Demirbaş, Nuran K., Rabia D., Reyhan K., Seher E., Serap T., Serpil F., Serpil Pala, Sevcan D., Sultan A., Yeter Yılmaz, Teyo. April: Arzu İlhan K., Aygül Y., Ayşe C., Berrin Dalyanoğlu K., Emine Fulya Akçelebi, Esra Çelik, Fatma Abravcı, Filiz G., Hatice Işık, Koçer D., Melek Yıldız, Mevlüde P., Mültezim I., Seda K., Selma Ö., Tuba M., Yıldız Gül. May: Arife Nur Sarıoğlu, Aslı Ö., Birgül Ç., Emel D., Fatma Öz, G.G, Gülendam Göz, Gülseren Akarsu, Melek Elşemo, Sarı Laçin, Semra Ç., Sibel Kaman, Şirvan Dinmez, Şükriye A., Tuğçe Duman, Yudum M., Zeynep E., Kamile Y. June: Adalet B., Anzelika Sraufant, Arzu Rahman Gök, Aysel K., Bircan D., Deniz Poyraz, Döndü Özyiğit, Emel D., Firdevs Öztürk, Hacer B., Halime Uyar, Handan Ç., İlknur Ç., Kader Oktay, Medine Seyis, Nazife T., Nuran Ş., Sadriye Ş., Sevgi D., Sibel Koçan, Şahigül Buluş, Şengül G., Yasemin A., Yemen A. July: Aysel Y., Deniz F., Derya Aldıç, Durdu Kadem Kızıloluk, Ebru K., Elvan Gezer, Fatma A., Fatma Keke, Gülcan E., Hamiyet Y., Hatice Çetin D., Hatun Güneş Özsoy, İpek Dedeoğlu, Kader K., Mehtap K., Meryem M., Öykü Y., Selma Ö., Serap Dedeoğlu, Serpil Dedeoğlu, Sevda Çelemoğlu, Sibel Dedeoğlu, Şadiye R., Zeynep Ü. August: Atiye P., Aysel Akkale, Azime Ö., Azra Gülendam Haytaoğlu, Bahar T., Baran Hasan Rasho, Cennet G., E.G., Ebru Y., Elif Saltık, Emel Göçer, Esra Hankulu, Fatma İnan, Gönül Y., Gülcan Kılıç, Gülizar Kılıç, Gülten D., Hacer A., Hanife M., Hatice A., Hediye T., Kadriye Akdeniz, Kübra Ö., Nazlı M., Necla Koçyiğit, Pakize M., Rahime Y. , Sema Nur S., Senem B., Sude Akarsu, Sultan Duran, Ulviye Aba, Yasemin Ö., Zekiye Hossini September: Aynur M., Ayşe B., Eda A., Ela S., Emine P., Fatma Haideri, Fatma K., Fehime Tüfenk, Filiz Akgöz, Gurbet F., Gülten Y., Hatice S., Kadrie A., Melike C., Mercan B., Murat Sözübir*, Nermin G., Nurgül Altıntaş, Özlem K., S.Ö., Şennur Ç., Şura Asena Altıntaş, Tarhana Yaman, Tatyana Feodorava, Tuğba D., Yüksel S. October: Ayat A., Ayşe Taşma, Demet K., Fatime Gül, Fatma S., Gönül Y., Gülsüm Er, Hadika Ç., Hasret Tutal, Hülya Şimşek, Meltem G., Nazlı Koldagul, Nefes Balkan* Nuriye Ü., Semra Y., Sena Altan, Servet T., Sevil Ş., Seyhan Gözer, Şebnem Şirin Ülker İ., Yadigar Adıgüzel. November: Ayşegül Sert, Azize Gülmez, Başak Cengiz, Behice Ç., Esra M.Ç, Gülsüm Yarış, Hanife D., Hanife Mutlu, Hatice Mercan, Huriye Ş., İlknur Gökay Tuncel, Kasım: Meltem Layıker, Neslihan Batur, Neslihan Kaya, Nilgün Akman Sümer, Nurcan T., Nurdan B., Nurhan A., Nursel T., Sahra Gizem Aksu, Sanem K., Selime P., Sevda Ş., Songül Değirmenci, Sultan Karabulut, Şahibe A., Şahinder K., Şefika Mercan, Zeynep Uçar. |
* Photos: Evrim Kepenek/bianet
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