Men Kill 24 Women in July

Infographic: Yağmur Karagöz
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According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed 24 women and four men accompanying the women in July 2019. One of the killed women was an immigrant from China.
CLICK - bianet male violence monitoring reports
Men inflicted violence on 81 women in July. Having raped at least 10 women, men also forced 59 women to sex work. Men sexually abused at least 19 children and harassed 34 women.
In the first seven months of 2019, men killed at least 184 women, raped 31 women, forced 288 women to sex work, harassed 138 women and abused 139 children. Men also inflicted violence on 312 women.
In the first seven months of last year, men killed 140 women and seven children, raped 42 women, harassed 130 women and forced 338 women to sex work. Men also abused 231 girls and wounded 244 women.
In this July, at least 12 women suspiciously lost their lives (in the provinces of Van, Manisa (2), Tekirdağ, Balıkesir, Antalya, Samsun (2), Muğla, İstanbul, Adana and Ankara).
The suicides of five women (in Bodrum, Urfa, Antalya, Van and İstanbul) were reported in the press as "suspicious deaths".
Men also attempted to murder one woman (in İstanbul).
The death of one woman and one child (in Hakkari) was also reported in the press as "unidentified murders" in July.
Trans woman Didem A. and one woman in Nevşehir were led to commit suicide.
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 24 women and four men who were with the deceased women in July 2019. Last July, men killed 20 women.
One of the women killed in July was an immigrant from China. At least two women were killed despite protection orders. At least three of the murdered women had been systematically tortured before their death. One of the perpetrators was a specialized sergeant.
Women killed by men in JulyBüşra G. Chen H., E.A., Ebru T., Elif E., Fatma A., Filiz K., Gülay Ş., Gülen P., Halime Ş., Hasine Ş., Hatice K., M.K., Meryem A., Müberra K., Mürevvet İ., Nimet Y., Nuray A., Özlem E., Pakize G., Seher O., Sevim K., Songül Y., Şükran C. |
The provinces where murders were committedAdana (1), Antalya (1), Bursa (2), Çanakkale (1), Denizli (1), Diyarbakır (1), İstanbul (5), İzmir (1), Kayseri (1), Kilis (1), Kocaeli (2), Konya (2), Kütahya (1), Maraş (1), Mersin (2), Tekirdağ (1). |
Men killed five women because they wanted to break up/ did not accept reconciliation, one woman because she did not like the shoes that he bought for her, one woman in a dispute over jewelry, one woman out of jealousy and one woman on the pretext that she mistreated him. The "pretexts" of men for murdering 14 women were not reported in the news.
71 percent of the deceased women were murdered by their husbands.
At least 12 women were killed by her husbands/ ex-husbands/ husbands of religious marriage, five women by their boyfriends/fiances, three women by their family members (son-in-law, big brother, father) and one woman by her ex-son-in-law. The degree of acquaintance between three women and the men who killed them were not reported in the press.
58 percent of women were killed inside a house.
Men killed 14 women at home and seven women in public places (such as on the street/ in front of a house/ on the shore of a brook/ in forestland). The scenes of incident in three femicides were not reported in the media.
Men killed 14 women with firearms (pistol/ rifle), six women with sharp objects and strangled one woman. Men also killed one woman through battery and crashed the head of one woman with a stone. The method of killing in one femicide was not reported in the press.
Judicial process In at least two murders, there were more than one perpetrator. 13 perpetrators have been arrested. Seven perpetrators were taken into custody. Three perpetrators were referred to courthouse. Four perpetrators committed suicide. |
The murders previously committed by men, but reported in the press in July In Diyarbakır, A.H. ve A.H. killed Y.A. The incident happened on July 31, 2015 and was reported in the press in July 2019 as the perpetrators were caught. In İstanbul, M.K. inflicted systematic violence on his wife Dilek K. Falling into a coma due to the violence of her husband, she lost her life shortly after she was discharged from hospital. This incident, which happened on July 3, 2019, was reported in the press last July. While the investigation is still continuing, no lawsuit has been filed into the death of Dilek K. |
Murder of children - Violence against children
Battering his wife in Kayseri, one man caused the death of her unborn child. In Diyarbakır, two men battered a girl with a stick. The girl was with the women, whom the men had a row on the street.
In Ankara, H.Y. (14) battered R.H. (14), whom their families forced to live together and was pregnant. (Peer violence)
Judicial processThe 14-year-old perpetrator was detained. Another male perpetrator has been arrested. A criminal complaint was filed against two perpetrators in Diyarbakır. |
An incident of violence against children previously committed by men E.Y., against whom there was a restraining order, abducted and battered his daughter on the pretext that he wanted to take revenge from his wife Ö.Y. that he was about to get divorced. The incident took place on May 27, but it was reported in the press in July. No action was taken against the man apart from the restraining order. He does not give the daughter to the mother though the court has given the custody of the child to her. |
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men raped at least 10 women in July. This figure was also 10 last July.
Six of the women raped by men in July 2019 were with mental disabilities.
Men also attempted to rape one woman (in Antalya).
In three incidents of men, the women did not know the 19 men who raped them.
While one woman was raped by the man who invited her to a job interview, one woman was raped by her big brother.
Men raped three women at home and one woman in a park. The scenes of incident in six cases were not reported in the media.
One of the incidents of rape was discovered after the woman lost her life. Another incident was revealed after it was understood that the woman was pregnant. The family of one perpetrator forced the woman into not filing a criminal complaint.
The provinces where women were rapedAfyon (1), Aksaray (1), Antalya (1), Aydın (1), Bolu (1), Denizli (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (1), Kayseri (1), Uşak(1) |
Judicial process There were 23 male perpetrators. Eight of them have been arrested. One of the arrested perpetrators went out of prison on leave and has been arrested again after committing the same crime. Eight perpetrators were detained. While four perpetrators have been released on probation, one perpetrator has been released. One perpetrator was reported in the press as "fugitive". |
The raped previously committed by men, but reported in the press in July In Kocaeli, A.Ö. (67) broke into the house of his neighbor E.S. (18) with disabilities and attempted to rape her. He continued harassing her afterwards. It was reported that the relatives of the man threatened the woman and her family. The incident took place in May and was reported in the media in July as the woman filed a criminal complaint. The man has been arrested. In Antalya, A.E., E.K., and T.B.T. raped Y.E. at home and inflicted violence on her. Three men and one woman who helped ghem have been released on probation. The incident happened three months ago, but it was reported in the press in July. In İstanbul, A.K. raped B.A. (28) at her home. The man has been arrested. The incident took place on June 30, but it was reported in the press in July. |
Forced sex work
In July, men forced at least 59 women to sex work. Last July, this figure was 13. Of the ones forced to do sex work in July 2019, 10 women were not citizens of Turkey.
Judicial processThere were 119 perpetrators in total. 33 of them have been arrested. Two perpetrators have been released on probation. 27 perpetrators were taken into custody. An investigation was launched against one perpetrator. 56 perpetrators have been released. Two of them have been released due to lack of evidence. |
Incidents of forced sex work by male perpetrators that previously happened, but were reported in the press in July In Karaman, M.D., H.H.D. and E.Y. forced two non-citizens of Turkey to sez work. Three men have been released on probation. The incident took place in June, but it was reported in the news in July. In Bingöl, 31 suspects forced women to do sex work. While 10 perpetrators have been arrested, 15 of them have been released on probation and the other six have been released without probation. The incident that took place in June was reported in the press as "forced sex work" in July after an MP submitted a Parliamentary question about the issue. |
Men harassed 34 women in July. this figure was 28 in the same month last year.
In two cases of harassment, it was reported that the men harassed the women systematically harassed the women. One of the women was transgender and she was in prison.
The men who harassed six women were reported as "men whom they don't know" in the press. One man was reported as "who made an amulet for the woman," one as an assistant manager in the municipality where the woman made a job application, one as a manager at the municipality, one as her boss. The degree of acquaintance between women and 22 men were not reported in the press.
Men harassed two women by shooting videos of them. They harassed 32 women verbally and physically.
Men harassed 14 women in public places (markets, streets, festival areas), seven women in public transport vehicles (subway, metrobus, train, tram), three women at workplaces, one woman in prison and two women at homes.
Provinces where men harassed womenAdana (1), Amasya (1), Ankara (1), Antep (1), Aydın (1), Bartın (1), Bursa (2), Giresun (1), Hatay (1), İstanbul (5), İzmir (1), Kayseri (3), Kırklareli (1), Kocaeli (3), Mardin (1), Samsun (2), Trabzon (6), Zonduldak (2). |
Judicial process
There were 28 perpetrators. Four of them were arrested, five released. Three perpetrators were detained. One was released on the condition of judicial control. Investigations were launched against six perpetrators. Legal action has not been taken for two perpetrators. One perpetrator was injured by the woman's husband. The perpetrator was sent to the hospital, the husband was arrested. One perpetrator was killed by the woman's husband. Three perpetrators were killed by the women they harassed. The perpetrators were reported in the press as "wanted." |
Incidents of male harassment that happened previously but reported in the press in July It was revealed that H.B. a lecturer at the Ankara University harassed his students S.H.H. in 2006 and Y.D.M.V in 2016. The man who previously received a disciplinary for five times raped veterinary physician Ç.B. Ö.A., a company owner in İstanbul systematically harassed two women who worked in the company. The women left the company on June 11. The incident was reported in July. Police officer U.M. harassed his neighbor Z.T. (19) on social media. After the woman filed a lawsuit, he battered and threatened her family. The systematic harassment that was going on since November 2018 was reported in July. The police officer who was issued a debarment order is still on duty. Photographer T.E. harassed many women in Turkey and abroad both on social media and physically. The incident was reported in the press after the harassed women's revelations. |
Child abuse
Men sexually abused at least 19 children this month. This figure was 42 in the same month last year.
Children did not 23 of the men who abused them. Four girls were abused by Quran course teachers, one by a municipality employee. In three cases, the abuser's degree of acquaintance between the abuser and the child were not reported in the media.
Eight incidents happened in public places (such as in a neighborhood, on a street, at a workplace, a Quran course), three incidents happened in public transport vehicles. The places eight incidents happened were not reported on the media.
One of the abused girls had mental disabilities. One child was systematically harassed.
In one of the incidents, the man showed his sexual organ to the child. In two incidents, men secretly shot photos of the children. In one case, the man harassed the child on social media. At least 15 incidents were physical abuse.
Provinces where men sexually abused children Bartın (1), Bitlis (1), Denizli (2), Edirne (1), İstanbul (5), Kayseri (1), Nevşehir (2), Sakarya (4), Samsun (1),Van (1). |
Judicial process
There were 30 perpetrators. Sixteen of them were arrested. Five perpetrators were detained. Four perpetrators were released on the condition of judicial control. One perpetrator was reported as "wanted" in the press. The judicial process regarding four perpetrators was not reported in the press. (Some of them were reported as "his shop was stoned" and "battered.") |
Incidents of child abuse that happened previously but reported in July
Z.Y. (47) verbally harassed İ.G. (9) on the street. He was detained. The incident happened on June 6, was reported in July. |
Men used violence against at least 81 women in July. this figure was 32 in the same month last year.
One of the women men used violence against had mental disabilities. Men systematically used violence against two women and threatened at least three women.
In one case, the man said, "The woman should know her place," to a woman who was driving a car.
Forty-five women were subjected to violence by their husbands, ex-husbands, boyfriends, ex-boyfriends, nine women by their family members such as fathers, brothers, half-brothers, one her daughter's husband, one by a taxi driver. Degree of acquaintance between the man and the woman was not reported in the press in 23 cases.
Men used violence against three women on the excuse that they are jealous of their girlfriends, two women that they did not give money, two women that they disturbed their girlfriends. They used violence on three women because they wanted to break up, one because their daughter wanted to break up, one because their sister wanted to break up, one because paying a low price to the taxi she took, one because of hanging around with men, one on the excuse that she does sex work.
One woman was used violence against by a thief who broke into her home. Excuses for using violence on 65 women were not reported in the press.
Men used violence on two women despite protection orders. In one case, legal action was not taken against the man who violated the protection order.
Men battered 45 women, used firearms against 10 women, stabbed four women, used hate speech against two women, threw one woman out of the car. The types of violence men used against 62 women were not reported in the press.
Men used violence against 28 women at home. They used violence against 22 women in public places such as on the street, in front of a home, in a hotel. The place men used violence against 31 women were not reported in the press.
Provinces where men used violence against womenAdana (3), Adıyaman (1), Afyon (1), Aksaray (2), Ankara (3), Antalya (1), Antep (1), Aydın (2), Batman (3), Diyarbakır (5), Edirne (23), Elazığ (1), İstanbul (12), İzmir (2), Kayseri (1), Manisa (1), Maraş (2), Mardin (1), Rize (1), Samsun (4), Şırnak (2), Tekirdağ (1), Urfa (1), Van (4), Zonguldak (4). |
Judicial processEight of 69 perpetrators who used violence on women were arrested (One was arrested on a different charge). The number of perpetrators women filed a complaint against or an investigation was launched against was 23. Nine perpetrators were detained. Three were released after giving statements. A debarment order was issued regarding four perpetrators. Eight perpetrators were sent to court. Four perpetrators were reported in the press as "fled." Not a legal action was taken against four perpetrators. Two perpetrators committed suicide. Situations of seven perpetrators were not reported in the press. |
Incidents of violence that happened previously but reported in this month
C.K. has used violence on his wife M.K. for 17 years systematically and threatened her. The woman has filed several lawsuits for divorce since 2012 but was rejected every time. The incident was reported in the press after the woman staged a protest in front of the courthouse. Two men in Diyarbakır, A.H. and A.H. killed Y.A. The incident that happened on July 31, 2015, was reported in the press after the two men were caught by the police. In İstanbul, a man has used systematic violence for 13 years against S.E.T., his ex-wife. He also battered her daughter. He has used psychological violence after the divorce in 2017. The incident was revealed after the woman spoke to a TV channel in July. In Hatay, a man used systematic violence against his wife S.S. throughout their marriage and threatened her with death. He battered S.S.'s brother on July 14. Detained after the woman spoke to a newspaper, the man was released by police after giving a statement. In an immigrant removal center in İzmir, gendarmerie and security officers insulted and used violence on a refugee woman. A criminal complaint was filed against the officers. The incident was noticed in June, reported in the press in July. In Hatay, a man has used violence against his wife Y.Ç. for four years and threatened her with death. Legal action was not taken against the man. In Giresun, F.S. (35), an academic, has systematically battered and threatened his five H. (33) since 2015. He transmitted a sexual disease to his wife. A debarment order was issued for the man. The incident was reported in the press in July. |
ExplanationExplanation Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline. At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report. We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia). We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline. In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either. Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier." We add the violence committed on children by men, to make the extent of violence visible. |
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