NOVEMBER 25, 2018
Men Kill 218 Women in First 327 Days of 2018

Click to read the article in Turkish / Kurdish
Men killed at least 218 women in several provinces of Turkey in 327 days from January 1 to November 23. Men massacred 52 of these women with a knife, 31 of them with firearms, 14 of them by strangling, six of them by battering and two of them with torture.
Men also burned one woman with gasoline, strangled one woman with a scarf, massacred one woman with a chopping knife, one woman with a pickaxe, one woman with a chipping hatchet, one with a reaping hook.
At least six of the murders were committed by the relatives, 11 of them by ex-husbands, 18 of them by lovers, 100 of them by husbands of civil marriage and 12 of them by husbands of religious marriage. At least five women were massacred by sons and seven of them by fathers. At least two women were massacred by brothers.
In the murders committed in the indicated 327 days, men massacred at least 31 percent of 13 women in January because they demanded divorce. The number and percentage of women who were massacred because they demanded divorce are as follows: At least 36 percent of 25 deceased women in February; 28 percent of 24 women in March; 40 percent of 20 women in April; 16 percent of 25 women in May; 48 percent of 23 women in June; 55 percent of 20 women in July; 20 percent of 20 women in August; 22 percent of 23 women in September; and at least 15 percent of 15 deceased women in November 2018.
Here are some important points regarding the femicides committed in the first 327 days of 2018:
* One woman was kidnapped by her brothers. No legal action was taken against her elder brothers whom she didn't file a criminal complaint against, the woman was placed in a women's shelter.
* A woman sexually abused by her father committed suicide.
* 31 percent of the women were killed for attempting to divorce or break up.
* 54 percent of the women were killed by their husbands.
* Two of the deceased women were refugees from Syria, two from Afghanistan.
CLICK - Men Kill 13 Women, 2 Children in January
* A gay man was killed in hate murder in Karabük. Two hate murders were reported in the media in 2018.
* One woman attempted suicide one day before the hearing of a police officer, who raped her and was tried without arrest. The defendant police officer acquitted in this hearing.
* Three women were found suspiciously dead.
CLICK - Men Kill at Least 25 Women in February
* Trans women constituted 7 percent and refugees/immigrants constituted 11 percent of 83 women who were subjected to violence by men. At least 39 girls were sexually harassed.
* 78.5 percent of the murders were committed with firearms.
* Half of the women were killed by their husbands.
CLICK - Men Kill 14 Women in March
* 10 percent of the murdered women were refugee or immigrant.
* 15 percent of the murders took place in public places; 35 percent at women's homes.
* 40 percent of the women were murdered for attempting to divorce/break up or rejecting their proposal to commence/recommence a romantic relationship.
CLICK - Men Kill 20 Women in April
* One man killed his wife while she was sleeping. After killing his ex-wife, a police officer claimed that she committed suicide. The murderer who was first released on probation, was arrested then.
* 48 percent of the women were killed by their husbands or ex-husbands.
* In May, two of the male violence perpetrators were police officers; two were retired police officers; two were village chiefs and one was private.
CLICK - Men Kill 25 Women in May
* Of the 23 women murdered in June, 3 of them were refugees who escaped from war in Syria and settled in Turkey.
* 48 percent of the women were killed on the ground that they demanded divorce/ separation or did not accept the proposal of partnership/ reconciliation.
* 17 percent of the murders were committed despite the applications that the women had made to the police forces or prosecutor's offices.
* Of the 23 men who committed femicides in June, two of them were professional soldiers, one of them a police officer and one of them was a private security guard. Three of the femicides were committed by the service pistols of the men.
* Three of the murdered women were forced to marriage at an early age; they were killed by their husband when they were 21, 19 and 18 years old.
CLICK - Men Kill 23 Women in June
* One trans woman was killed, another was injured in July. In both incidents, perpetrators were boyfriends of the women.
* One murdered girl was 17 years olds. Şükran, who escaped from the orphanage, was stabbed to death by her father on the street.
* 10 percent of the murders occurred despite women's complaints. A man injuring his wife and released a month ago was arrested when he murdered his wife. A woman had called her family and asked for help a day before she was murdered.
CLICK - Men Kill 19 Women, 1 Girl in July
* 15 percent of the women murdered were refugee or immigrant (two were from Syria, three from Turkmenistan).
* One murder occurred despite the women's several complaints; one woman had gotten out of the women's shelter three days before she was murdered.
* 20 percent of the women were killed for attempting to divorce or break up.
* Three women were killed in public place; two were in front of their houses; 13 at their homes.
CLICK - Men Kill 20 Women in August
* 22 percent of the murders were committed in public places such as street, café, in front of courthouse, 13 percent in private places.
* One of the murdered women was from Morocco.
* Three murderers committed suicide, two attempted suicide, two gave themselves up after the murders.
* Two perpetrators had stayed in prison for committing femicide in the past.
CLICK - Men Kill 23 Women in September
* 15 of the murders took place in house; three of them on the street; one of them at the workplace of the woman; one of them in a mountainous area.
* One of the deceased women was from Syria and one of them from Uzbekistan. Two children who were killed in October were four and six years old and were from Syria.
* Four of the women were murdered because they rejected proposals of reconciliation and two of them were killed on the pretext of "jealousy". One woman was killed by two tenants, one woman by her neighbor and one woman by her brother.
CLICK - Men Kill 20 Women in October
* An order of suspension was issued against the murderers of at least four women.
* Against B.Y. that encouraged Nazan Dedeoğlu, who was killed in April 2018, to commit suicide, a lawsuit was filed on charge of "realization of suicide as a result of encouraging someone else to commit suicide"
* In Mersin, it was identified that the murder suspect of Özlem Çınar, who was killed on February 25, 2010, was her father H.Ç.
The names of the murdered women and girls:
January - Ceyda Aycan, Elham Atıfı, Fatma B., Fatma Khillo, Gülhan Güler, Halime Sadad, Hüsnü Sarıkaya, Neslihan Kaya, Selva Hidir, Semiye Beyoğlu, Serpil K., Zeynep Fedakar, Media Akdağ
Şubat - Asiye Kılıçer, Ayşe Başaran, Ayşe Şahin, Bedia B., Behria Aljalmound, Cansu Özdağ, Ebru Çetinkaya, Fadime Korkmaz, Gamze Kuru, Ganime Varsak, Gizem Eşit, Hatice Koç, Hatice Y., Hürü Temiz, Leyla Karal, Melek Ketman, Melike Çetinkaya, Nisrin Kirdi, Sefika Sever, Serpil Halat, Zuhal Kırlangıç
March - Aynur K., Cennet Esen, Filiz Bolkan, Gül Gülizar Ayalp, İlknur Ç., Kristina, Kübra Fırat, Lale Yanık, Muradiye Bektaş, Müzeyyen Laçin, Yryskul Zheenbek Kyzy
April - Betül Altıntaş, Deniz Arinç, Derya Çolak, Elif Tul, Esen Dülger, Hanife Bicil, Kübra Nur Yılmaz, Öznur D., Rezzan Gündoğan, Rona Güllü, Serpil Ertekin, Sevil Bektaş, Sevinç A., Şenur Topdemir, Türkay İsayova, Vicdan Özetçi, Zübeyda Kamay
May - Ayşe Karahan, Aytekin Muzmun, Çiğdem Alpaslan, Derya Kuru, Gonca Aksakal, Gülhizar Ersöz, Hanife Akdişli, Havva Sakin, Hülya Büyükkaplan, İmran Kandemir, İpek Yılmazcan, Kıymet Özkan, Mühibe E., Nazihe Temel, Nezihe Uçar, Nilay Güngör, Nurhan Doğan, Pınar Çelik, Rümeysa Sakin, Satı Fındık, Seher Çetindaş, Selver Kaya, Sezen Alkan, Suna Doğru, Şule Çet
June - Ayşe Aruk, Dima Ashalem, Döne Aksu, Elif Kaya Yavuz, Emine Selim, Esra K., Fadime Y., Fatma Fağırci, Fatma Gülistan, Gülsüm Köse, Gülşen Yakar, Heyran Hüseyinova, Melek Sarkarbalkanıgeçen, Meryem Aydoğdu, Müge Çoban, Neşe Üçücü, Nur Ş., Nurşen E., Oya Öztürk, Özgül Uçaçelik, Rafiye Ata, Sevgi Aslan, Sevilay Aka
July - Aysel Kurt, Ayşegül Çelik, Emine Karakılıç, Fehime Küçük, Filiz Yahya, Gülşen Narşap, Güneş Karaçuban, Hatice Uzun, Kader Key, Karin Ellen Hitzel, N.Ö., Saibe Yükselir, Simge Süreyya Can, Şükran A., Ümmü Akbaş, Z.İ. Zemzem Selver, Zübeyde Demirbozan, Zümrethen Kutluay
August - Ayşegül Güneştaş, Bahar Saluğu, Belma Yavuz, Cahide İnan, Elif E., Esra Ateş, Gülşen Eken Bulut, Hasret Soylu, Huluud Hemdos, Işıl Kaya, Kübra Oğur, Melak Akta, Mine İ., Nazıra Bajanova, Nuriye Yasak, Sarıgül Hamarat, Sevgi Arslan, Sevim Taşdemir, Türkan Güneştaş, Veslie Kaya
September - Aynur Gedik, Bedriye Kargı, Birsen Ş., Elif Parlakyıldız, Emine Orki, Esma Aksakal, Fulya Arpat, Gönül Demir, Güneş Çağraş, Hanım İzollu, İmane Marras, Jale Çağlar, Makbule Kocaman, Nuray Çil, Nurten Avat, Pakize Kurt, Sezen Aslanbaba, Suna Özbey, Şengül Sezgince, Tuğba Yıldırım, Zehra Kaya, Zekiye Keleş
October - Ayşe Özcan, Cemile Kızıltaş, Dilek Marabi, Elmas Demir, F.Ş, Fatma Güraslan, Hamide Çavdar, Havva Çay, İkram D., Khomedova Mekhriboni, Media Hasan, Meryem Karaca, N.Ç., Özlem Meşeli, Özlem Uçar, Şevval Sürgün, Şeyda Ayyıldız, Turna Gül Çuntar, Ümmühan Taşpınar, Ziynet Terzi
November - Cemile Kılavur, Emine A., Emine D., Günay Torun, Hanife Babayiğit, Naili Nutfulliana, Nazan Dedeoğlu, Özlem Çınar, Rahime Gencer, Samiye Ö., Sedef Şen, Sezen Serpil, Sibel Akpınar, Songül Güleçyüz, Zahide Oğuz.
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