Men kill 19 women in December

According to the reports bianet has compiled from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 19 women and two children in November 2024.
The death of at least 33 women and seven children was treated as “suspicious” in reports.
In December, men inflicted violence against at least 53 women, abused at least 20 girls and boys and sexually harassed 11 women. Men raped two women and forced at least 217 women into sex work.
In the year 2024, men murdered at least 378 women.
Men threatened to kill 3 women in Edirne and one woman in Bursa.
Cities where suspicious women deaths’ occurred
Adana (1), Adıyaman (1), Aydın (2), Afyon (1), Batman (1), Bolu (1), Bursa (1), Denizli (1), Diyarbakır (1), Düzce (2), Eskişehir (1), Karaman (1), Kocaeli (1), Konya (4), Kütahya (1), Kırşehir (1), Maraş (1), Ordu (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (1), Siirt (1), Van (2), Çanakkale (1), İstanbul (1), İzmir (3).
Adıyaman (1), Antep (2), Aydın (1), Bursa (1), Denizli (1), Sakarya (1).
In 2024 men killed 378 women, sexually harassed 131 women, abused 229 children, inflicted violence on 645 women and raped 16 women. Men forced at least 772 women into sex work. While the death of 315 women was reported as “suspicious” in the press, men killed at least 43 children.
In 2023 men killed 333 women, sexually harassed 355 women, abused 123 children, inflicted violence on 745 women and raped 18 women. Men forced at least 371 women into sex work. While the death of 270 women was reported as “suspicious” in the press, men killed at least 28 children.
In 2022 men killed 327 women, sexually harassed 156 women, abused 238 children, inflicted violence on 793 women and raped 32 women. Men forced at least 442 women into sex work. While the death of 198 women was reported as “suspicious” in the press in 2022, men killed at least 39 children.
In 2021 men killed 324 women, sexually harassed 424 women, abused 208 children, and raped 96 women. Men forced at least 772 women into sex work and inflicted violence on at least 793 women. While the death of 213 women was reported as “suspicious” in the press, men killed at least 34 children.
In 2020 men killed at least 284 women, sexually harassed 147 women, abused 265 children, and raped 96 women. Men forced at least 818 women into sex work and inflicted violence on at least 792 women.
Men killed at least 19 women in December, this figure was 30 for the same month last year.
Men killed at least four women despite there being a protection order in place.
Women killed by men in December 2024
A.Y., Arzu Açıkgöz, Ayşe Merve Sağ, Emine D., Fatma Çakırbeyli, Gonca Yılmaz Ö., Günay Sena S., Hayriye K., Leyla Ç., M.A., Mehtap Y., Rahime Ç., Selma Tercan, Serpil K., Simge K., Songül Gönül, Yezda Akgül, Şahide Z., Şehriban K.
Cities where men killed women in 2024
Adana (1), Antep (1), Bursa (2), Diyarbakır (1), Giresun (1), Kırklareli (1), Manisa (1), Mersin (2), Osmaniye (1), Sakarya (1), Samsun (1), Sivas (2), Uşak (1), Van (1), İstanbul (2).
Men killed 11 women because they “wanted to split, didn’t want to make up”, two women because “they were jealous of them”. Men’s pretext for the murder of six women was not reported in the press.
At least 14 women were murdered by their husband or lover, three women were murdered by men from their families, such as father or grandchild, and two women were murdered by their son-in-law.
Men killed eight women outside of the house, in areas like the street or a forest, while they killed 11 women within the home.
Men killed 10 women with firearms and five women with sharp objects. Men killed two women by strangulation and another two women by beating them to death.
Legal Process
There were at least 19 perpetrators who killed women. Only 10 perpetrators were placed under arrest. Six perpetrators committed suicide. One perpetrator was detained. Investigations were launched regarding two perpetrators.
Children’s Murders
Men killed two children in December 2024. The same figure for last year was one.
One child was murdered by his cousin, while the relationship of the other murderer was not reported.
Men killed both children with firearms.
Cities where men killed children
Ankara (1), Istanbul (1).
Names of the children killed by men
S.Y., Z.Y.A.
Legal process
There were two perpetrators, one was detained, the other committed suicide.
Sexual Harassment
Men sexually harassed at least 11 women in December 2024. The figure for the same month last year was five.
Three cases were of systematic sexual harassment. One of the men who sexually harassed a woman was a specialized sergeant.
Men sexually harassed women in areas outside the home such as the street and gyms.
At least four women were sexually harassed by a director of a sports center, a public official, a specialized sergeant and in one case, her colleague. The relationship of four men who sexually harassed women was not reported in the press.
Cities where men sexually harassed women
Denizli (4), Hakkari (1), Sakarya (1), Trabzon (1), Istanbul (3), İzmir (1).
Legal Process
There were eight perpetrators who sexually harassed women. Only two perpetrators were arrested, a further two were detained. A legal process was launched regarding three perpetrators. The legal process of one perpetrator was not reported in the press.
Child Abuse
In December, men abused at least 32 girls and boys in December 2024. This figure was five for the same month last year.
Men abused 14 children outside the house and five children within the home. The location of one case of abuse by men was not reported in the press.
Four children were abused by an administrator, one by their father, one by an apartment janitor, one by a friend of their father, one by their teacher, and three by security guards. The identity of men who abused at least nine children was not reported in the press.
Legal Process
There were 15 perpetrators who abused children. Nine were arrested. Two were detained. Investigations were launched regarding two. One was released. The legal process of one perpetrator was not reported in the press.
Sexual Attack/Rape
In December 2024, men raped at least two women. The figure for the same month last year was one.
Both cases where men raped women took place outside of the house.
One woman was raped by two rap artists. The relationship of the other man who raped a woman was not reported in the press.
Cities where men raped women
Trabzon (1), Istanbul (1).
Legal Process
There were three perpetrators who raped women. An investigation was launched regarding two perpetrators, the other perpetrator was arrested.
Violence / Physical Harm
Men inflicted violence on at least 53 women in December 2024. The figure for the same month last year was 38.
There were police officers among the men who inflicted violence on women. At least three women physically harmed by men were trans women. At least six women were taken to hospital for the treatment of their injuries.
At least 34 women were physically harmed by their partners, six women by their father/son, one woman by a relative of a hospital patient, one woman by a religious official, one woman by a neighbor and one woman by a friend. The relationship of 11 men who physically harmed at least nine women was not reported by the press.
Men physically harmed seven women “because they were jealous”, at least 15 women because they “wanted to split, didn’t want to make up”. Men physically harmed one woman “because she put on make-up”, and one woman to mug them. The reason for men to injure 29 other women was not reported by the press.
Men physically battered 32 women, and harmed four women with sharp objects and 11 women with firearms. Men drove over one woman with a vehicle and set five women on fire.
Men harmed 30 women within the home and 22 women outside the home. The location of one case of physical harm by men on women was not reported by the press.
Legal Process
There were at last 56 perpetrators who inflicted violence on women. 11 perpetrators were arrested. 15 perpetrators were detained. A legal process was launched regarding 22 perpetrators. The legal process of eight perpetrators was not reported in the press.
Forced Sex Work
In December 2024, men forced at least 217 women into sex work. Last year, the same figure stood at 36. There were children among those forced into sex work. 43 women who were forced into sex work were not citizens of the Republic of Turkey.
Ankara (20), Bursa (6), Diyarbakır (9), Kocaeli (10), Malatya (16), Mersin (58), Istanbul (98).
The bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers cases of women who lost their lives as a result of male violence and reported in the press.
We do not include cases of violence cases or murders that are not gender-based.
Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline.
At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. In time, when we come to the conclusion that a crime is gender-based, we include it in the end-of-year tally.
Keeping with the principle of the presumption of innocence, we shorten the names of women and men in the cases of married couples.
We do not include any murders that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia).
We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline.
In addition, we don't include cases of mass murder in which women were not directly targeted, under the condition that the debated incident is not-gender based.
The occupational groups mentioned in the report, only cover cases in which occupation holds relevance regarding the act of violence.
For instance, like in the case, “The woman was murdered at her home by her husband, a professional military officer, using his firearm”.
We include violence inflicted on children by men in the monitoring report to expose the dimesions of violence.