‘Memorialize Turkey’ Updated
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The website of Memorialize Turkey has been enriched by new sites of memory and memorialization efforts.
With the research conducted by Harun Ercan, the website has been offering a collection of information on memorial projects in Turkey since 2013. The website aims to do a more elaborate research on the ways in which memorialization can contribute to human rights and democracy.
Truth Justice Memory Center has recently updated the website with new sites and studies of memory. The content of the website has been renewed by engaging in novel techniques and methods of memorialization.
By using the filter on the website, you can reach more detailed information about books and films, commemorations, cultural heritage, digital studies, memory walks, monuments and parks and museums and exhibitions.
The website covers 38 cases of memorialization initiatives tagged by a classification of their owners and also by the medium that they are using.
The projects are both tagged by their owners, namely Central Government, Local Government, Non-Governmental Organization and Civil and Political Initiatives and by their medium or form, namely Memory Walks, Digital Studies, Museums and Exhibitions, Monuments and Parks, Cultural Heritage, Commemorations, Books and Films.
'Including wider segments has paramount importance'
The recent update has been announced in following words:
"... In this context, we decided to update Memorialize Turkey and added new content in 2019. In order to highlight our recent focus on the changing landscape in memory initiatives, we decided to compile a new selection of 12 cases. Accordingly, the website covers 38 projects into a single compilation, which can be filtered in their forms and ownership.
"In the struggle for truth, justice and memory, it is of paramount importance to include wider segments of society to learn from the past mistakes, in order to promote the motto never again.
"The different memorialization projects listed in this website all try to deal with history in new and honest ways. In their compiled form, we hope them to contribute to an important discussion on how memorials can contribute to creating spaces of curiosity, understanding and reflection around human rights and past atrocities."
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