Meeting in İstanbul for animal rights: 'Shelters are not a solution'

Animal rights advocates came together in Istanbul's Kadıköy on Sunday (October 15) to defend the right to life for animals living on the streets and in shelters, raise public awareness for the improvement of their conditions, and draw attention to the violations of their rights.
Municipalities should establish spaying centers
In a press statement written by representatives of animal rights associations, it was emphasized that the only way to control the population of street animals is to mobilize local governments that are not fulfilling their responsibilities. "Shelters are not a solution," they emphasized.
Animal rights advocates pointed out that in Turkey, spaying and neutering are only conducted in 189 municipalities. They expressed that more than 1,200 municipalities with populations exceeding 25,000 should establish spaying and neutering units and that this is the only way of solving the reproduction issue.
Yasemin Yılmaz, a member of the board of directors of the Haydiko Association, read the press statement during the demonstration, which was attended by representatives from organizations such as the Association for Respect to the Right to Life, HAKİM, Haykonfed, and many other animal rights activists.
Cats and dogs accustomed to urban life
Activists emphasized that not shelters but smaller, effectively functioning spaying and neutering centers are the solution to the reproduction problem. They stated that if cats and dogs accustomed to urban and rural life are destroyed in a way that does not align with contemporary ethical standards, more feral animals will emerge. Municipalities without spaying and neutering centers should complete their veterinarian and technician teams as soon as possible and take action, they requested. (TY/PE)