Media Watch on Hate Speech January-April 2017 Study

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The findings of 2017 January - April report of "Media Watch on Hate Speech Study" carried out by Hrant Dink Foundation since 2009 have been published.
The foundation has launched the project "with the purpose of drawing attention to the discriminatory language against ethnic and religious identities, sexist and homophobic discourse and news containing hate speech, raising public awareness against such publications, and contributing to reduce the use of hate speech in media, aims to generate knowledge on the concept of hate speech, create a platform for discussing the methods for combating discriminatory and racist discourse, and promote the use of a more respectful and informed language in terms of human rights and minorities".
The latest report covers the period between January-April 2017 and has been prepared under the consultancy of Dr. İdil Engindeniz Şahan from Galatasaray University Faculty of Communication.
At the end of the report, there is an annex of some selected news reports, columns, hate speech analysis with regards to these examples and the masthead information of all contents determined to feature hate speech.
1,806 contents featuring hate speech in 4 months
In the Media Watch on Hate Speech Study covering January, February, March and April 2017, 1,806 columns and news articles have been determined to have targeted national, ethical and religious groups.
According to the study, the most targeted group is Armenians followed by Syrians, Jews, Christians and Greeks.
Contents featuring hate speech are mostly in in form of columns followed by news articles. These contents are more to be seen on the local media than the national media. (HK/DG)