May Day Message from Erdoğan: We will Keep on Protecting Our Workers’ Rights

* Photo: Mustafa Kamacı - AA
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President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan released a message on the occasion of May 1 Labor and Solidarity Day yesterday evening (April 30).
Erdoğan has said that since the day when they came into office, they have believed that rights should be sought on the basis of reconciliation and struggled to ensure that justice is served with regards to labor.
Noting that they have "always worked sincerely to solve the problems of workers," President Erdoğan has further argued that they have "taken important steps within this framework, ranging from their wages and social rights to the improvement of their working conditions."
President Erdoğan has also referred to novel coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic within this context: "In our struggle against Covid-19, which has affected the whole world, we have attached great importance to measures and supports that will protect our employees in all fields."
Erdoğan has continued as follows: "In struggling against the outbreak, we are making our best efforts to ensure that none of our citizens suffer in this process, especially to protect employment.
"With the programs that we have introduced under the shield of social protection, we have been trying to minimize the problems caused by the outbreak in our employees' lives.
"We will keep on making all kinds of efforts to ensure that every single member of our nation can benefit from the added value that will come out as Turkey gets bigger, stronger and more prosperous."
Concluding his remarks by celebrating May 1 Labor and Solidarity Day and expressing his wishes that the day will pave the way for fair and just working conditions for all workers, Erdoğan has said:
"As I say on every occasion, we will keep on supporting any sincere undertaking to protect the rights and law of our workers and will walk arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder with our workers and employees." (EKN/SD)