May Day Children

There were many different groups celebrating May 1. Children were also marching to Taksim Square with their parents. Two of them were wearing bridals in order to draw attention to 'child bride' issue: 9 years old İdil Eylül and 10 years old Helin. They both say, "We are here because today is May 1." It's not their first time at May 1 celebrations. They say, "We'll get tired a little bit, but we like to be here."
"We want to spend time with them but they work very hard"
Rojdanur and Yusuf says "We are here because workers work very hard". Yusuf talks about his uncle:
"He works very hard and them he doesn't spend time with his children." Rojdanur adds: "He cannot keep time for himself. He cannot go anywhere as he has to work"
We are asking to Rojdanur about the banner she's carrying at her hand. Her answer is ready "They are adding 4 more years and we go to school for 10 years. Moreover, for instance, you are going to going to 6th class instead of 5th class."
Rojdanur says her parents are also complaining about it. "We want the removal of 4+4+4"
"Early marriage is wrong"
Many groups draw attention to Child Bride issue. A theater company is performing a child bride play. 10 years old child, Kardelen begins to speak "Early marriage is very wrong. They are taking children from their schools and they are making them get married with old men."
"Child brides are in pain"
8,5 years old Damla and 11 years old Berfin are very conscious about this issue. Damla expresses herself clearly: "They are forced to get married when they are very young. They marry with old men. These children are supposed to go to school however they give birth to a child. They are in pain."
Berfin is also aware of the new education system and its direct effects on children. "They make children go to school earlier. They want children to go to 5th class earlier"
Right to sleep
Mavi's father is working for television series as director and for Mavi, sleeping means loosing the only chance to see his father. "I want to see my father. I am asleep when he's back home." Mavi wants his father to work less as his father works under severe conditions like any other laborers working at film sets. Mavi wants to spend time with his father. (YY)
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