May Day Celebrations Across Turkey

Thousands took the streets to celebrate May Day at various cities of Turkey.
May Day demonstrators in Istanbul and Ankara faced with police violence as they wished to celebrate the May Day in Taksim and Kızılay Squares respectively. Other than that, celebrations in Ankara (expect Kizilay), İzmir, Sivas, Kayseri, Diyarbakır and Tokat took place peacefully.
You can find some scenes from May Day celebrations in the following:
In Istanbul, police intervened those who marched towards Taksim Square to celebrate May Day. On the other hand, Türk-İş celebrated May Day peacefully in Kadikoy distict.
In Ankara, Governor’s Office allowed May Day celebrations in Sıhhiye and Tandoğan, people gathered around to celebrate May Day.
* Photo credit: Murat Kula / Kurtuluş / AA
Some groups gathered around at Kurtuluş Intersection and wanted to walk to Kızılay but faced police attack. There are many police forces and TOMAs around Kızılay.
Photo credit: Serhat Zafer / Sivas / AA
In Sivas, people came together at Ethembey Park for May Day celebrations and walked to Mevlana Street.
Photo credit: Esma Aygün / AA
Kayseri Mayor Mehmet Haseki and Hak-İş Confederation President came to Hak-İş Confederation’s celebrations.
A bus belonging to Hizmet İş Union crashed in Kırşehir while going to Kocaeli from Kayseri. In the accident, 38 workers were injured.
Photo credit: Hüseyin Bağış / İstasyon Square / AA
In Diyarbakır, May Day is celebrated at two different spots. Labor Union Confedaration (Memur-Sen) gathered at the Diyarbakır Station Square. Demonstrations were organized by KESK, DİSK and TMMOB at Dağkapı.
Source: Twitter
In İzmir, May Day celebration zone is Gündoğdu Square.
Photo credit: Zehra Aydın / AA
In Tokat, Education Principle Union and Social Cooperation Culture Education and Social Research Association (TOKAD) members made a statement on May Day at the Underground Bazaar.
Photo credit: Ercüment Daşdelen / AA
In Kars, unions, political parties and non-governmental organizations walked to Cumhuriyet Square with flags and banners to celebrate May Day.
Photo credit: Erçin Top / AA
In Samsun, unions and non-governmental organizations organized a demonstration for May Day celebrations.
Photo credit: Orhan Karslı / AA
In Eskişehir, a Taksim Square scene was created on a movie shooting plato at Söğütönü District to celebrate May Day.
Source: Twitter
In Hakkari’s Çukurca district Çukurca Labor and Democracy Platform organized May Day celebrations. At the celebration, Anatolian flok dances were played and the slogans were “Everywhere is Taksim, Everywhere is Resistance”.
Source: Twitter
In Batman, laborers and proletarians gathered for May Day celebrations. (BK/YY/ENÜ/BM)