“Marihuana Must Be Legal”

Tarık Beyhan, İstanbul 2nd Region Deputy Candidate from Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) defended Marihuana and expressed it must be legal to keep people away from phenazepam.
Beyhan made press statement related to the subject and indicated that because of the fact that marihuana was illegal, drug dealers were selling phenazepam and its derivatives and these chemicals caused to death.
According to Tarık Beyhan, if marihuana was legal, gangsters and to earn illicit money would be prevented and the rate of drug use would decrease. Beyhan defended Marihuana by saying it could be benefited from in the fields such as medical, tourism and tax issues.
“There isn’t a crime without its victim”
"There are quite a few benefits to liberate marihuana, actually. There isn’t a crime without its victim. It doesn’t concern the state what people do as long as it isn’t harmful.
“People don’t obey the rules if they don’t feel any moral discomfort. The law finding marihuana users guilty must be changed.
“If it’s legal, rate of using decreases”
“In countries where Marihuana is legal, the rate of using it decreases. That’s the significant point. If we want to keep our young people away from drug habit, the best solution will be liberation of it.
“Moreover, to gain marihuana easily and legally means people keep away from hard drugs.”
“When weed is illegal, phenazepam and its derivatives pop up”
"State force cannot prevent usage of weed and it looks like it will go on like this. That’s why, people tend to use god knows what kind of drugs."
Medical Usage
“Drug dealers smuggle cheaply manufactured phenazepam. In the past, people die from heroin and cocaine but now they die from phenazepam.
It is known marihuana is effective against the epilepsy and it relieves the pain of cancer patient. The weed must be legal firstly because of medical usage. So, it can ease the pain and then it must be legal step by step.
Income from taxes and tourism
“I said ‘There isn’t a crime without its victim’. The state officials waste money on drug enforcement agencies. It’s unnecessary.
“Usage of Marihuana will make contribution to taxes and tourism when it’s legal.” (EKN/BD)
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