Male violence | Hüseyin Can G. kills 16-year-old Sıla

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It has caused a public outrage that a 21-year-old man stabbed a 16-year-old girl to death in Turkey's Black Sea province of Giresun.
Coming from Ankara to Giresun yesterday (February 16), Hüseyin Can G. spent the night at a hotel and stabbed Sıla Şentürk (16) at her house.
Paramedics came to the scene of the incident after neighbors called an ambulance. The teams found that the girl had lost her life.
Suspect G. was caught at the Ordu-Giresun Airport and brought to the Giresun Security Directorate. He has been referred to the courthouse.
News agencies have reported that Şentürk was forced by her family to get engaged to Hüseyin Can G. while there are also some news suggesting that Şentürk met G., who lives in Ankara, on the Internet. It was also alleged that she lives with her paternal grandmother with disabilities.
The killing of the child by a 21-year-old man has caused a huge public outcry, especially on social media:
18 yaş altı çocuğu evlen(dir)meye, cinselliğe zorlama çocuk istismarıdır. Cinsel şiddettir. Cinsel şiddetin, çocuk istismarının bir gelenek(!) olmasına itiraz etmeliyiz. Çocuğun rızası aranmaz, var denilemez. İnşa ile zorla elde edilene rıza değil, istismar denir.#silasenturk
— Arzu Erkan Yüce (@ArzuErkanYuce) February 16, 2022
Psychiatrist Arzu Erkan Yüce: "Forcing a child under the age of 18 to marriage, sexuality is child abuse. It is sexual violence. We need to object to sexual violence, child abuse being a tradition (!). No consent of the child shall be sought; it shall not be said that the child has consent. What is obtained by force with construction is not called consent, but abuse."
18 yaş altı her birey çocuktur. Çocuğu evlenmeye ve dolayısıyla cinselliğe zorlamak çocuk istismarıdır. “Küçüğün rızası” gibi söylemler çok tehlikelidir, gelenek adı altında erken ve zorla evlilikler için çocuğun rızası söz konusu olamaz. Bunun adı cinsel şiddettir.#silasenturk
— Türkiye Kadın Dernekleri Federasyonu (@tkdfederasyon) February 16, 2022
Federation of Turkey Women Associations: "Every individual younger than 18 is a child. Forcing a child to get married and, thus, to sexuality is child abuse. Statements like the 'consent of the little one' are very dangerous; the consent of the child cannot be the case in early and forced marriages under the name of tradition. This is called sexual violence."
— Giresun Barosu (@GiresunBarosu28) February 16, 2022
Giresun Bar Association: "Enough is enough now!"
Olayı bir cümle ile anlatırsam: Bir kız çocuğu zorla nişanlandırıldığı kişiden ayrıldığında, tehdit edildiği için kurum bakımına alındıktan sonra babanesine bakmak üzere gönderildiği evde öldürülüyor ve çocuğu eve gönderen karar, o kararın dayanağı olan inceleme tartışılmıyor.
— Seda Akço (@akcoseda) February 17, 2022
Lawyer Seda Akço: "If I am to explain the incident in one sentence:
"Taken under the protection of the institution since she was threatened when she broke up with the person to whom she was forced to get engaged, the girl was killed at the house where she was sent to look after her paternal grandmother afterwards and the decision sending the child to the house and the inquiry based on which this decision was taken are not discussed."
16 yaşındaki #SılaŞentürk Giresun’da zorla nişanlandırıldığı erkek Hüseyin Can Gökçek tarafından öldürüldü. Fail yakalandı.
— Kadın Cinayetlerini Durduracağız Platformu (@KadinCinayeti) February 16, 2022
Fail de Sıla’yı zorla nişanlandıranlar da gereken cezayı alsın. Çocuk istismarı, kadın cinayeti cezasız kalmayacak.#KadınCinayeti
We Will Stop Femicides Platform: "16-year-old Sıla Şentürk was killed in Giresun by the man Hüseyin Can Gökçek, whom she had been forced to get engaged to. The perpetrator has been caught. May both the perpetrator and the ones who forced Sıla to get engaged receive the necessary sentence. Child abuse and femicinide will not go unpunished."
Sıla savunmasız bir çocuktu. #SılaŞentürk
— Hacer Foggo (@hacerfoggo) February 16, 2022
"Sıla was a defenseless child."
Ne nişanlanacak,
— Fidan Ataselim (@fidanataselim) February 16, 2022
Ne de bakım yapacak yaştaydı kardeşim.
Hele bir de ısrarlı bir takipçisi varken devlet onu korumalı yakınları sarıp sarmalamalıydı. #SılaŞentürk
"My sister was neither at an age to get engaged nor to provide care. Especially when she also had a stalker, the state should have protected her and her relatives should have embraced her." (AÖ/SD)