Maas: Dündar's prison sentence is a heavy blow to independent journalism

* Photo: RSF
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After journalist Can Dündar was sentenced to 27 years, 6 months in prison in the National Intelligence Organization (MİT) Trucks case yesterday (December 23), several politicians from Germany have slammed the verdict.
CLICK - Journalist Can Dündar sentenced to 27 years in prison
As reported by Deutsche Welle (DW) Turkey, Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas from the Social Democratic Party (SPD) has tweeted:
"Journalism is an indispensable service to society, especially when it critically watches the rulers. The ruling against Can Dündar is a heavy blow to independent journalistic work in Turkey. Freedom of press is a fundamental right; it must not only be possible at the highest personal risk. In any case, that is not the idea of commitment to freedom of press that Turkey has entered under the European Convention on Human Rights."
Journalismus ist ein unverzichtbarer Dienst an der Gesellschaft - auch und gerade, wenn er kritisch den Regierenden auf die Finger schaut. Die Entscheidung gegen @candundaradasi ist ein harter Schlag gegen unabhängige journalistische Arbeit in der #Türkei. (1/2) @RND_de
— Heiko Maas ???????? (@HeikoMaas) December 23, 2020
Journalists Association of Germany (Deutsche Journalisten-Verband) Federal Chair Frank Überall has also criticized the verdict as "barbarity."
"Can Dündar researched, reported and uncovered - that is good journalism, but not a crime," Überall has said and added, "In free countries, there are journalism prizes for this; in Turkey, there are jails."
Überall has also called on the security authorities to fully protect Can Dündar, who is living in Germany. "A kidnapping of our colleague in Turkey must be prevented by all means," he has added.
'It shows justice is under control'
SPD's Parliamentary Spokesperson for Human Rights, Humanitarian Aid and Protection of the Seas Frank Schwabe has also tweeted:
"The judgment against Can Dündar shows, in a terrifying way, the controlled judiciary in Turkey. In the Kavala and Demirtaş cases, Turkey has already been on the verge of an exclusion procedure from the Council of Europe. Erdoğan steers Turkey away from Europe, unfortunately."
Das Urteil gegen Can Dündar zeigt in erschreckender Weise die gesteuerte Justiz in der #Türkei. In den Fällen Kavala und Demirtas bewegt sich die Türkei bereits am Rande eines Ausschlussverfahrens aus dem Europarat. Erdogan steuert die Türkei weg von Europa.Leider. #CanDuendar
— Frank Schwabe #FreeHozanCanê (@FrankSchwabe) December 23, 2020
SPD's Member of the European Parliament Udo Bullmann has also said on Twitter, "Can Dündar is a hero of free speech. Erdoğan's policy of persecution and repression will fail. Europe, without any ifs or buts, must stand behind Can Dündar and everyone who expresses their opinion."
.@candundaradasi ist ein Held der freien Meinungsäußerung.#Erdoğans Politik der Verfolgung und Unterdrückung wird scheitern. Europa muss sich ohne Wenn und Aber hinter #CanDuendar und alle stellen, die ihre Meinung frei äußern. #Dündar
— Udo Bullmann (@UdoBullmann) December 23, 2020
Former Co-Chair of Germany's Greens (Die Grüne) Cem Özdemir has also slammed the verdict in following words: "Whoever cannot stand investigative journalism and penalizes it as terrorism exposes oneself and one's own crimes, above all. Erdoğan shows his great fear of the truth. I am glad that my friend Can Dündar can continue to write in Germany."
Wer investigativen Journalismus nicht aushält, sondern als Terror bestraft, entlarvt sich & seine Verbrechen vor allem selbst. Erdogan zeigt seine große Angst vor der Wahrheit. Bin froh, dass mein Freund @candundaradasi in Deutschland weiter schreiben kann. #Duendar #CanDuendar
— Cem Özdemir (@cem_oezdemir) December 23, 2020
What happened?After daily Cumhuriyet, whose the then Editor-in-Chief was Can Dündar, published a news report titled "Here are the weapons Erdoğan said do not exist" on May 29, 2015, an investigation was launched against the journalist on charges of "obtaining information about the security of the state", "political and military espionage", "disclosing information that should have remained confidential" and "propagandizing for a terrorist organization." Following this news report on the MİT trucks stopped by gendarmerie officers, President Erdoğan threatened Dündar without naming him on a live program on state channel TRT, saying, "I think that this person who reported that special news will pay a heavy price for this. I will not just leave him like this..." As part of the investigation conducted by the İstanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, former Cumhuriyet Editor-in-Chief Can Dündar and former Ankara Representative Erdem Gül were arrested on November 26, 2015 on charges of "obtaining and disclosing the confidential information of the state for purposes of political or military espionage" and "knowingly and willingly aiding an armed terrorist organization as non-members." Following the ruling of "right violation" of the Constitutional Court on February 25, 2016, Dündar and Gül were released the day after. Commenting on this ruling, President Tayyip Erdoğan said, "I do not respect it, I do not abide by the ruling." Accepting the indictment issued by the Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, the İstanbul 14th Heavy Penal Court ruled that Can Dündar should be sentenced to 5 years, 10 months in prison and Erdem Gül to 5 years in prison on charge of "disclosing the confidential information of the state." Acquitting Dündar and Gül of "attempting to overthrow the government of the Republic of Turkey or attempting to prevent it from fulfilling its duty partly or fully," the court separated the file on charge of "knowingly and willingly aiding an armed terrorist organization as non-members. On the day when he had his hearing in İstanbul, Can Dündar was targeted in an armed attack in front of the courthouse in Çağlayan. While Dündar survived the attack without any injuries, NTV reporter Yağız Şenkal was wounded in his leg. Murat Şahin, the assaulter, was sentenced to 10 months in prison and a judicial fine of 4 thousand 500 lira. While the court gave good conduct time to Şahin, it also ruled that "he could not be penalized over an attempted action." The Court of Cassation reversed the prison sentences of Dündar and Gül on charge of "disclosing confidential information of the state" on March 9, 2018. In the light of this reversal, the trial started again at the İstanbul 14th Heavy Penal Court on April 2, 2019. The court requested a red notice against Dündar. Upon the request of the İstanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, the court ruled on September 17, 2020 that if Can Dündar, who was abroad at the time, did not appear in court within 15 days, he would be considered a "fugitive" and his entire property should be confiscated. In a ruling dated October 7, the İstanbul 14th Heavy Penal Court confiscated the property of the journalist and declared him a "fugitive." His attorneys' appeal against this ruling was rejected by the upper court on October 21, 2020. At his final hearing at the local court on December 23, 2020, journalist Can Dündar was sentenced to 27 years, 6 months in prison on charges of "espionage" and "aiding an armed terrorist organization." |