Local Reporters Worried About TCK
A total of 26 local reporters from Balikesir, Bilecik, Bursa, Canakkale, Edirne, Kocaeli, Tekirdag and Yalova, and 15 students from the Communications High-School attended the seminar.
The local reporters voiced their concern about the new Penal Code which went into effect on April 1.
The seminar began with Project Coordinator Ertugrul Kurkcu's sepeech on project goals. After Kurkcu, Erol Onderoglu, the manager of the Media Monitoring Desk spoke about past and current efforts on press and communications freedom.
Dursun: The solution is to settle accounts with the conscience
After the introduction, Doctor Ciler Dursun from the Communications Department of Ankara University made a presentation on "The Dilemmas of the Media, the Quest for New Reporting Methods and Principles of Responsible Reporting." Dursun said that the hierarchical structure of the society is reflected in the language used by reporters. She added that this power relation appears in the news.
Dr. Dursun also argued that the use of language reflects the realities of life. "The only way to prevent relationships that would limit your reporting is to settle accounts with your conscience," said Dursun.
The participants discussed the difficulties of struggling against pressures they face in their region.
Journalists discuss reporting
The "Examples of Reporting Based on Rights" presentations by Oguz Haksever from private NTV television, Murat Celikkan from daily Radikal newspaper, and Serif Erol, the former Program Coordinator of "Acik" (Open) Radio, enabled the participants to evaluate news clips in terms of rights.
Haksever, during his presentation, focused on the language used in television, and talked about the basic principles of the grammar of image.
Haksever argued that television reporting is gradually becoming more and more simplified due to shortage of time and increase in competition. He said the value of image is increasing in this process.
Celikkan argued that the media, which has the responsibility to oversee human rights, is actually violating human rights through the language it uses. Celikkan said the media's use of notions such as "suspect-defendant-guilty" is usually wrong.
The journalist said that the trustworthiness gained through covering human rights violations could be damaged by a wrong news report.
Erol spoke to the participants about the characteristics of radio reporting and the importance of editing radio news in terms of its effect on the listeners.
He added the reporters should improve their editing skills. Erol argued it is impossible for reporters to be objective and said news is a source of prestige for the radio.
Tosun: Reporting on Rights does not mean covering just the governor
On the second day of the seminar, Associate-Professor Doctor Gulgun Tosun from the Communications Department of Ege University made a presentation on "News Value of Rights Struggles." During the presentation, Tosun talked about the background of human rights organizations in Turkey and criticized the media's lack of interest in human rights struggles.
While the national media airs programs that violate private life, the local media only focuses on statements by the governor or local administrator, and the official ceremonies, said Tosun. "When the real duty of the media is considered, these are wrong," she added.
Tosun said the local media, like the national media, is late in covering the new Penal Code. She added that the local media, which has reported that the new laws will diminish the power of police, is not aware that its own function will be limited.
Koker: Reporters should know in which instances violations can occur
Professor Doctor Levent Koker from the Law Department of Atilim University, who made a presentation on "New Regulations in the Rights of Women, Children and Minorities in the EU Process," said the media should always be aware where rights violations occur.
Prof. Koker criticized the media for suggesting that the reforms are imposed on Turkey by the EU and added that the will for EU membership in Turkey dates back to September 1956.
Prof. Koker talked about the articles in the Penal Code that are not clear and used the articles on "Insulting Turkish Identity" and on "Insulting," as examples.
Project Advisor Nadire Mater who spoke at the end of the seminar said notions such as "reporting based on rights," and "reporting on citizens" have been developed because the media is not doing its job properly. She said it is important that the media has the courage to respect rights when reporting and talked about cooperation opportunities. (EA/YE)