Lightning strike claims one child’s life in eastern province of Van

* Van amid heavy rainfall and floods since July 28. Credit: AA
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Grazing cattle in the district of Özalp in Turkey's eastern province of Van, 15-year-old shepherd Arda Omaç has lost his life.
Omaç was in the Yumruklu Neighborhood, grazing cattle, when the incident happened. The child lost his life at the scene of the incident. His deceased body has been taken to the Özalp Public Hospital.
There has been heavy rainfall and floods in Van since July 28, having a negative effect on citizens' daily life.
While the flood caused 11 houses to collapse in the Esenyamaç Neighborhood of Başkale district on July 31, the rainfall and floods have also negatively affected the Başkale district center, its Ortanca Neighborhood as well as the Örmetaş Neighborhood on Van-Hakkari highway.
Following the rainfall, the ensuing flood and landslides caused the 150th kilometer of the highway to be closed. Dozens of vehicles were stranded. Central Başkale and Ortanca were also submerged in water and mud. Apart from highways, agricultural fields have also been damaged in floods.
In Hakkari, another province in eastern Turkey, the rainfall was particularly effective on July 31, leading to a flood in Yüksekova's Kısıklı village. When the flood hit, women were milking the sheep. While nearly 500 of the nearly 6,000 sheep lost their lives in the incident by being caught up in the flood, three women who wanted to rescue the sheep were wounded. (AÖ/SD)