LGBTI-focused Training For Children Right Activists

Kaos GL, an LGBTI organization, held a workshop with various NGOs in its headquarters in Istanbul.
At the end of the workshop, KAOS GL announced that they decided to offer LGBTI trainings for children rights organizations and children rights trainings for LBGTI organizations.
One of the highlights from the workshop was LBGTI people were subjected to transphobic and homophobic attitudes and behaviors from their early age.
At the same time, it was also emphasized that LGBTI and children terminology must be discussed together.
Ömer Akpınar from Kaos GL also underlined that they have held several workshops with universities however they never reached out secondary or elementary school levels.
“There are children out there who can’t declare their sexual orientation, therefore they are subjected to homophobia,” he continued.
“It is essential to join forces with NGOs in order to create an awareness on the level of counseling services, teachers and parents. Workshops and trainings are aiming this.”
Ali Erol from Kaos GL, on the other hand, reminded that the workshops marked the first one within their cooperation with other NGOs working with old, young and disabled people.
The names of participant organizations were listed as follows: Kaos GL, Gündem Çocuk, Çocuklar Aynı Çatının Altında (ÇAÇA), Umut Işığı Kadın Kooperatifi and Tarlabaşı Toplum Merkezi katıldı. (YY/BM)
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