Letter from Turkish Medical Association to Israeli Medical Association

Turkish Medical Association (TTB) has sent Dr. Zion Hagai, the President of the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) on Saturday (October 14) about the concerns regarding the ongoing violent situation in the tsrael-Palestine region.
The letter emphasizes that the TTB is an organization that is the collective voice of medical professionals dedicated to upholding the principles of universal medical ethics, human rights, and humanitarianism. It reminds that the foremost commitment of medical professionals is to the well-being of their patients and the protection of human life, regardless of nationality, religion, or ethnicity.
The letter asks the Israeli Medical Association to;
* Advocate for the unhindered access of medical and humanitarian aid to those in need, irrespective of their location or affiliation;
* Promote the principle of medical neutrality, encourage local healthcare
providers to provide care without discrimination to all individuals affected by the conflict;
* Urge all parties involved in the conflict to respect international humanitarian law, which mandates the protection of civilians and medical personnel in conflict zones;
* Encourage international bodies to facilitate dialogue and negotiations to reach a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
"We understand the complexities of the historical and political context of the lsrael-palestine conflict but firmly believe that as medical professionals, we have a unique and moral duty to advocate for the sanctity of human life and the provision of medical care to those in need," says the letter by TTB and calls for IMA's support and immediate action to address the pressing issues in the region.
The letter by the association concludes with an emphasis on the Turkish Medical Association's readiness for any collaborative efforts that will help ease the suffering of those affected by the ongoing violence. (AS/PE)