Leftist Parties View on EU Report on Turkey
"The EU wants the Kurdish problem to be solved and the clashes to end so that the demands of capital are met," said Nazmi Gur, deputy head of the Democratic People's Party (DEHAP). "But there are not concrete requirements in the progress report about this issue."
"The Justice and Development Party (AKP) government will continue to use EU accession as a 'liberation project' and make do with reports for some more time," said Levent Tuzel, head of the Labor's Party (EMEP) in a written statement. "But the peoples of Turkey, who know from their history of struggle that democratization cannot come along through reports, will not remain satisfied with these bits and pieces. They will continue with their struggle for independence and democracy."
According to Tuzel, the conditional negotiations period will be used by both sides as a means of politics and blackmailing.
"As a partner of the European Anti-Capitalist Left-Wing Parties, we argue that the EU should be established from zero," said Hayri Kozanoglu, head of the Freedom and Solidarity Party (ODP). "We want a Europe where citizens can participate in the decision making processes, where the interests of laborers are protected, instead of those of the capital, and where the laborers' union serves as a main element."
Kozanoglu, who also made a written statement, said they defended "a wider struggle against neo-liberal globalization; one which does not fit in Europe."
"Neo-liberal capital is forcing women to work part time at mostly inhouse jobs without any insurance, and thus is creating a large labor market," said Filiz Kocali, head of the Social Democracy Party (SDP), who evaluated the progress report in terms of women.
Kocali said the report's requirement that women's rights in Turkey should be improved was positive. "But we have to realize that there will be new ways of exploiting women," she added.
Nazmi Gur: The ending of clashes should be a requirement
* It is obvious that the progress report is kind of critical of Turkey. However, the criticisms about the Kurdish issue are far from reflecting a wide viewpoint.
* The solution of the 15-year problem can only be possible by abandoning the policy of denial. It is unacceptable for the government to make the democratic and political rights of Kurds a matter of bargain. The Kurdish people are an establishing factor of the Turkish Republic, and they demand that their rights are overseen by the constitution. They don't demand a minority status.
* Why shouldn't Kurdish become a second language of education in the negotiations process? The private courses and half-hour broadcasts show what the government is not doing about this issue.
* Beginning EU accession negotiations are made to seem like the success of the AKP government. But the government only did what was necessary according to the EU accession document.
* Imposing limitations on movement means there are double standards on the free movement, which is a right of laborers, as much as it is a right of capital.
* The increased investments in the south east, reduced unemployment, and less difference between regions, can be viewed as advantages of the EU process. We are supporting this process and Turkey's full membership. But we are working so that people and laborers have more say on the EU.
Levent Tuzel: Consolation from the EU to supporters of EU
* It is obvious that the prime minister's remarks on reforms are nothing more than an empty boast in the face of our country's realities. It can be seen within the lines of the EU commission's report, that even the minimum requirements of EU's much-praised bourgeois democracy doesn't exist.
* The fact that "implementations will be followed," and "that ultimate membership is not guaranteed," shows that both sides will use this accession issue as a political and blackmailing tool.
* The "civilization" the EU is promising to Turkey, is an imperialist platform decorated with, and hidden behind a bourgeois democracy. We have to see that they are trying to turn our country into a dependant place where people earning their living from agriculture no longer exist; a place which can serve as a new market for monopolies and looting, and which can serve as a front in international share clashes.
Hayri Kozanoglu: We defend the Europe of labor
* We will embrace the developments within the EU process toward democracy, human rights and freedoms, and follow the implementation of legal reforms.
* On the other hand, we want to show to the crowds that a basic EU right, the right of free movement is being limited. We want the people to see that this is an example of bourgeois hypocrisy.
* We will struggle for a "social Europe," so that the social rights, which were gained as a result of a 150-year class struggle, are protected, improved and implemented in Turkey. We will work together with the European laborers, socialists, ecologists, feminists and anti-war activists at the Europe Social Form, of which we are a participant, and Europe Leftist Party, to which we applied to become observers, against the neo-liberal Europe.
* With out internationalist approach, and our view that all the world's laborers and peoples are brothers, we will continue our struggle to "create a new world," against neo-liberal globalization, with a perspective of a "new internationalism."
Filiz Kocali: Regulations on cultural rights are inadequate
* There are some points in the progress report that don't reflect the realities. On the contrary to what the report says, torture is systematic (human rights organizations conclude torture is systematic by comparing the torture complaints and numbers to the United Nations' definition of systematic torture), and the new Turkish Penal Code (TCK) includes articles that limit the freedom of thought, expression and organization.
* By focusing the TCK on the adultery debate, they approved articles which limit basic rights and the freedom of expression. The new TCK allows punishing the laborers for exercising a basic right such as halting production.
* The Kurdish problem cannot be solved with half-hour long Kurdish broadcasts, with Kurdish language courses, which can be only attended by those who have money, and where participants are recorded by the police, and by releasing Leyla Zana and her friends, who were going to be released in a short time anyway.
* For the Kurdish problem to be solved, the operations should stop, Kurdish language education should be offered at state schools, and it should be realized that the problem may not be solved through the military. It is very difficult for Kurds to return to their villages as long as the village guards are not dispersed. If you have destroyed the means of living of the
people who return to their villages, you have to provide them with that again. Since even Kurdish music was banned until recently, it is normal to see tiny changes in the path toward the EU as huge steps.
* The political criteria seem to be for the advantage of workers and laborers. But there has been a retreat in the socialist state in the EU in the last 10 years, and the laborers are reacting to this. The EU is at the same time an economic project and the capital cannot be expected to forego its rights.
* The capital is becoming international through the establishment of unions such as the EU and becoming a large and organized power against the working class. It is becoming harder for laborers to fight for their rights. For this reason, we are trying to form relationships with the left-wing, socialist political parties and labor organizations within the EU and to pursue a joint struggle. (OG/EA/YE)
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