Lay-off ban extended till the end of June
* Photo: Anadolu Agency (AA) - Archive
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Introduced amid the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the lay-off ban has been extended by a Presidential decision.
In a Presidential decision signed by President and ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and published in the Official Gazette today (April 30), "the periods indicated in the first and second sentences of the provisionary article 10 of the Labor Law no. 4857 foreseeing the prevention of the termination of labor contracts have been extended from May 17, 2021 till June 30, 2021."
The provisionary article added to the Labor Law prevents the employer from terminating the labor contract of an employee in cases except for behaviours that do not comply with the rules of ethics and goodwill, the expiration of labor or service contracts of limited duration, the closure of the workplace for any reason and discontinuation of its operations, the end of work in all types of service procurement and construction works.
As per this article, the employer has the right to put the employee on unpaid leave, completely or partly. If the employer terminates the labor contract in a manner against the law, he or she shall be given an administrative fine in the amount of the gross salary of each dismissed employee.
Period of financial support extended
As per another Presidential decision published in the Official Gazette, the financial support provided to the shopkeepers, artisans and tradespeople amid the pandemic have also been extended for a month.
Accordingly, the period of the grant in aid of 1,000 lira, which was previously announced as three months, has been increased to four months.
Similarly, the period of rent aid (750 lira for workplaces in metropolitan cities, 500 lira in other cities a month) has been extended from three to four months. (HA/SD)