Law to Protect Children to Come into Effect
The regulations will be ratified at the parliament in coming days.
Some arrangements included in the Regulation Concerning the Implementation of the CKK are as follows:
* When a child is taken under custody, his/her situation will be immediately made known to relatives, if not to the Bar Association or the Institution of Social Services and Protection of Children (SHCEK). In case they are held as suspects, the relatives of the child won't be informed.
* A social worker will be present while child's statement is taken.
* Children won't be handcuffed nor chained. Security forces can withhold the child given he/she presents an immediate threat.
* Convictions up to three years concerning a child would be postponed for a supervision period.
* Children under trauma caused by the crime can only be used as witness for once.
* Circulation restriction, ban from specific places, restrictions on contacts with specific people or institutions are defined for the first time as legal measures.(KÖ/EÜ)