Last Words of Emine Bulut on Social Media: I Don’t Want to Die

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Fedai Varan stabbed his ex-wife Emine Bulut to death in Kırıkkale on August 18. Their 10-year-old daughter was also with them at the time of incident. After stabbing Bulut, the ex-husband got on a taxi and fled.
Coming to the scene of incident, the emergency health teams took Emine Bulut and her daughter to hospital. Bulut lost her life there.
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Ex-husband Varan was taken into custody in the district of Bahşılı and was arrested by the court that he was referred to.
Testifying at court, he said, "After she insulted me while talking about the custody of our child, I stabbed her with the knife I brought along."
'Those not protecting women are a party to this feminicide'
Days after Emine Bulut was killed, the video featuring the murder has been shared on social media. While Emine Bulut was saying, "I don't want to die", her daughter was crying, "Mom, please don't die."
The last words of Emine Bulut, her cry of "I don't want to die" has turned into a surging reaction against male violence and feminicides on social media.
Several social media users have shared messages of "We don't want to die" and expressed their demands for an immediate end to feminicides. The hashtag #EmineBulut has become a trending topic on Twitter in a short time.
Some of these social media messages are as follows:
#EmineBulut'un son sözü "ölmek istemiyorum" oldu. Bugüne kadar öldürülen her kadın gibi.
— Kadın Meclisleri (@kadinmeclisleri) August 23, 2019
Kimse bu cinayetten kendini aklayamaz:
Kadın katillerine indirim uygulayanlar,
kadınları korumayan,
haklarımıza saldıranlar
Emine'nin cinayetine ortaktır. pic.twitter.com/Mq0D4Irxz1
Women's Assemblies: "The last words of Emine Bulut were 'I don't want to die.' Just like all other women who were killed to this day... No one can whitewash this murder: The ones who apply sentence reductions to women murderers, those who do not protect women, who attack our rights are a party to the murder of Emine."
“Ölmek istemiyorum”
— Ekrem İmamoğlu (@ekrem_imamoglu) August 23, 2019
Bugüne kadar cinayete kurban giden tüm kadınların çığlığıydı aslında.
“Anne lütfen ölme”
Öksüz kalan tüm evlatların gözyaşları...#EmineBulut’u erkek şiddeti nedeniyle kaybettik. Şiddetle mücadelede kadın ve çocukların yanındayız, olmaya devam edeceğiz.
İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu: "'I don't want to die' It was actually the cry of all women who were murdered to this day. 'Mom, please don't die' The cries of all orphaned sons and daughters... We have lost Emine Bulut because of male violence. We stand with women and children in struggle against violence and we will continue doing so."
Kutsal olan aile değil,insan yaşamıdır!Engellemeniz gereken boşanmalar değil kadın cinayetleridir!Erkek terörüne de erkek terörü denir,bunu tartışmaya açamayacak kadar çok kayıp verdik!O küçücük kızın gözyaşlarında boğulun..Durdurun bu cinayetleri artık! #EmineBulut
— Hazal Kaya (@HazalKaya110) August 23, 2019
Actress Hazal Kaya: "What is sacred is not the family, but human life! It is not the divorces that we need to prevent, but feminicides! And if it is male terror, then it needs to be called male terror, we have given way too many losses to open it to debate. Drown in the tears of this little girl. Stop these feminicides, now!"
Anne lütfen ölme.....
— Armagan Çağlayan (@Armagan_caglaya) August 23, 2019
Ölmek istemiyorum #EmineBulut pic.twitter.com/G81rLeeVTv
TV producer and lawyer Armağan Çağlayan: "Mom, please don't die... I don't want to die"
Yeni bir hayat için uğraş didin, sonra binbir zorlukla boşandığın adam seni evladının önünde öldürsün! #EmineBulut cinayeti bir kez daha kadını değil, kadının sonu olabilen evlilikleri koruyan anlayışın yanlışlığını yüzünüze çarpıyor. Anne kız aklınızdan hiç çıkmasın.
— BanuGuven (@banuguven) August 23, 2019
Journalist Banu Güven: "You made efforts and efforts to build a new life and then the man, whom you divorced with thousands of difficulties, kills you before the eyes of your child!
"The murder of Emine Bulut has once again showed the falsity of the mentality that does not protect women, but protects marriages that can be the end of women. May this mother and daughter haunt you."
Tüm meslektaşlarımızı #ölmekistemiyoruz diyen kadınların gerçekten duyulması için, tık avcılığı değil etik gazetecilik yapmaya davet ediyoruz. #EmineBulut pic.twitter.com/08fe80z7iR
— Gazeteciler Sendikası (@TGS_org_tr) August 23, 2019
Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS): We are inviting all our colleagues to engage in ethical journalism, not clickbaiting, so that the voices of women who say 'We don't want to die' can be really heard."