Last Stage In Ruling Party's Closure Case Starts On July 28
The Constitutional Court will begin discussing the closure of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) from the perspective of the essence of the case on July 28.
Rapporteur and acting secretary general of the court Alparslan Altan announced the discussion date and told the reporters that he did not know when the case would be completed.
Paksüt: We will work nonstop
Osman Paksüt, acting president of the Constitutional Court, stated they were going to start discussing the case on July 28 and were planning to work nonstop to finish the case as soon as possible.
Previously Paksüt had said there was going to be a big uproar at the end regardless of the final decision. However, Haşim Kılıç, President of the Court, had rejected this and said there would be no uproar.
Rapporteur is against closing
Rapporteur Osman Can submitted his report for the closure case of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) on July 16 and expressed an opinion against closing.
The eleven member court will make the final decision. In case one of the members is missing or retired, the most senior of the four alternate members will replace the missing member.
7 votes are needed
According to the Constitution a qualified majority is needed to close a political party. Therefore 7 out of 11 members of the Constitutional Court must approve the closure. According to article 69 of the Constitution, the court may decide to cut the treasury aid to the AKP either partially or completely rather than closing the party permanently.
The indictment and the defense stages are over
After the Supreme Court of Appeals Chief Prosecutor Abdullah Yalçınkaya submitted the indictment, the AKP presented its 8-binder defense on June 16. Later came chief prosecutor’s verbal statement on July 1 and AKP’s verbal defense on July 3.
The chief prosecutor accuses AKP for trying to establish an Islamic state. (TK/EZÖ/TB)