OHO 2017
Last 3 Days for Application to ‘From the Classroom to the Newsroom 2017’ Program

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Three days remained for the application to the "From the Classroom to the Newsroom (OHO) 2017” project launched by IPS Communication Foundation/bianet.
This year the OHO will be organized in İstanbul from July 1-July 9 2017.
The program is open to students who passed from 3rd to 4th grade in departments of radio and television in Turkey and Northern Cyprus.
The deadline is May 26.
The IPS Communication Foundation jury will choose one student from each faculty and announce the results on June 2.
Journalists from different departments of mainstream media, communication academics and rights organization representatives are coming together with the young journalists in the OHO.
Journalists, academics and right organization representatives make presentations within the scope of the program on topics such as “Journalism, Ethics, Peace Journalism, Personal Rights of Journalists, Rights Organizations, Social Media, Hate Speech, Alternative News Sources, Citizenship Journalism”.
At the end of the program, the young journalists will produce online reports through the applied program with the participation of experienced journalists and will be granted certificates.
Accommodation, food expanses and travel allowances of the participants will be met by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
The OHO was postponed to the next year due to the July 15 Coup Attempt in 2016.
The OHO prepared 246 journalism candidates for the media
The OHO prepared 246 young journalism candidates from the communication faculties in Turkey and Northern Cyprus between 2007-2016.
As part of the program, 132 journalists, academics and rights defenders met with the young journalism candidates. Within the framework of the OHO, 49 radio and TV channels, newspapers and rights organizations were visited.
You can send your Application Form to [email protected] to apply to the program.