Kurtulmuş: 46 Rockets Launched on Kilis, 17 Killed Since January

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Vice Prime Minister and Government Spokesperson, Numan Kurtulmuş has declared that stating 46 rockets have been launched on Kilis killing 17 and wounding 61 as of January 18.
Kurtulmuş said that the rockets stationed on mobile trucks are being used by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and civilian centers are targeted, it is hard to locate the missiles since they are fired not from specific batteries but mobile trucks.
Kurtulmuş said this issue and possible precautions have been discussed at the Council of Minister:
“It is possible to summarize the issues we addressed at the meeting under four titles. One of them is taking additional military measures. Within this frame, it is increasing our power, military existence on the border, monitoring trans-frontier by additional unmanned aerial vehicles to have intel in advance of the attacks to be launched.
“We have taken decision to compensate the material damage of our artisans and artists who have been exposed to damage during these attack, extending the employment period to nine months of those employed within the scope of public interest, and employ new people upon Governor’s demand.”.
Kurtulmuş noted that it is being discussed to refer additional medical staff to Kilis and dispatch armored ambulances to Kilis. (ÇT/TK)