Kürkçü: Draft Report Ignores Real Culprits

A parliamentary commission in charge of investigating Uludere incident - a Turkish military air strike that killed 34 civilians in December 2011 - ratified its draft report this afternoon without the approval vote of commission members from opposition parties.
"The AKP government and Turkish Army seem to collaborate on Uludere incident. The draft report doesn't point out anybody who might be responsible for the death of 34 civilians," Peace and Democracy Party deputy Ertuğrul Kürkçü told bianet.
"The commission members from AKP also voted in favor to keep the report confidential. This move is against all democratic customs of openness, transparency and accessibility."
“The draft report aims to protect the state"
Kürkçü said the draft report aimed to describe the Uludere incident rather than describing it.
"The draft report gives no explanation of what happened and why. There is no elaborate analysis that really aims to protect the victims of Uludere incident. The draft report mechanically describes how the air strike has been launched due to a wrong intelligence resulting with the death of 34 lives. It simply blames the lack of coordination between military and civilian intelligence units, which otherwise could detect that those 34 civilians were indeed only smugglers and not terrorists," Kürkçü continued.
"The draft investigation report finds no involvement of head military or government officials in the incident. It accepts all military input without question. There is no mention of a pervious interior ministry report either. Under these circumstances, we can say that this report draft has been composed to protect the Turkish state's interest, rather than the rights of its citizens. The draft pointed out anybody who might be responsible for the death of 34 civilians and abandoned them to their destiny."
Kürkçü also said the opposition party members of the commission were preparing to put a declaratory clause on the draft report by next Tuesday. (EKN/BM)
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