Kürkçü: Asking for Baptism Document for Religion Course Exemption is Right Violation

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Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir MP Ertuğrul Kürkçü has brought some schools’ asking for baptism document for the exemption of religion course to parliamentary agenda.
Kürkçü asked what has been done to prevent this violation of right in his parliamentary inquiry that he submitted to the parliament demanding response from Minister of National Education İsmet Yılmaz.
In reference to some complaints by students’ parents, the inquiry stated that Christian students have been asked for baptism document to be exempt from religion courses at some schools and that a right violation that occurred last year was recalled.
“İstanbul Provincial National Education Directorate had deleted school enrollment of a student registered at Karagözyan Armenian School in Şişli for not having a baptism document even though the religion section of the student’s ID was checked as Christian.
“The court had ruled that the process was clearly unlawful”, the inquiry added. (YY/TK)