Kurdistan Regional Government Refuses Handing Over Airports to Baghdad

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The Kurdistan Regional Government has rejected the Baghdad government’s request that the airports control be handed to the government of Baghdad.
Iraq had called for the control of international airports in Erbil and Sulaimania to the central government within three days.
The Iraqi Civilian Aviation Authority declared that that international flights to Erbil and Sulaimaniya will be suspended on Friday (September 29).
“People will be negatively affected”
KRG Minister of Transportation Mevlüd Bavemurad stated that they rejected Baghdad’s demand, otherwise the citizens would be negatively affected.
In his statement, Bavemurad said that they didn’t only reject the demand but also found it wrong.
Bavemurad stated that the people want to be punished because of the independence referendum and that the airports shouldn’t be made a part of politics.
Iran said last week it was stopping flights to Kurdistan at the request of the Iraqi government. (YY/TK)