Kurdish-Turkish Gender-Based Journalism Dictionary Published Online

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The Kurdish-Turkish Gender-Based Journalism Mini-Dictionary, which has been prepared by bianet kurdî editors Murat Bayram and Ferid Demirel as part of the "Gender-Based Journalism Online Library and Handbook" project of the IPS Communication Foundation/bianet, has been published online.
Comprising the words that are frequently used in gender-based news reports, the dictionary will be periodically updated and extended by bianet kurdî editors Murat Bayram and Ferid Demirel.
Here is an excerpt from the introduction to the dictionary:
"We see the people, whose lives we do not touch personally, through a filter transferred to us by society. Our perception regarding gender is similar to our perception of several other issues... It is a product of the "perception heritage" of the society. "The responsibility of bianet starts at this exact point: 'To raise awareness and to show that another communication is possible.' "The Kurdish-Turkish Gender-Based Journalism Mini-Dictionary consist of words, over which we have thought and for which we have come up with solutions. "This mini-dictionary is also one of the products of the gender-based journalism practices of bianet. "Our mini-dictionary will continue to improve and expand within the boundaries that are offered to us by the Gender-Based Journalism, Children Rights-Focussed Journalism and Peace Journalism practices of bianet." |
* We have prepared this work for the haberdetoplumsalcinsiyet.org online library, which has been launched within the scope of the Gender-Based Journalism Online Library and Handbook project. The project has been carried out with the support of European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) Fund.