Kurdish-Teaching School Unsealed By Officials

Education ministry officials removed the seal on Ferzad Kemanger Elementary School - a Kurdish-teaching school in Diyarbakır province initiated by NGOs.
Issued by Diyarbakır Governor’s Office, the seal has been removed three times by citizens for protest.
“Private school”
The school has been admitted as “private school” according to Kürdi-Der Chairman Sebahattin Gültekin.
Gültekin said that they have made their official application on September 24 and the school would keep its doors open in the processing time.
The school will keep the current status until September 2015.
On September 23, Education Minister Nabi Avcı said the school failed to meet the September 1 deadline regarding the opening application of a Kurdish-teaching school and they were not likely to allow any more schools from that time.
Class numbers rose to 4
In the meanwhile, education ministry held inspection in Ferzad Kemanger Elementary School.
Following the inspections, officials pointed out that the school needed physical improvements and include 4 classroom. Upon that, the number of classes has been risen from 3 to 4, and a workshop has been launched to improve the physical conditions. (YY/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.