"Kurdish Question Can’t Be Resolved Without Education Issue"

Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) co-chairperson Selahattin Demirtaş announced their two overarching themes for their World Peace Day campaign: Resolution process and Rojava.
At a press conference in the parliament, Demirtaş said Turkey is experiencing a critical period on the resolution of Kurdish question and the government must take a step forward soon.
Reminding the latest incidents in Syria and attacks in Rojava, he claimed that Ceylanpınar is open to Al Nusra Front and he could point out the addresses of 9 militants.
“We will tighten opposition policy”
According to an article by Rıfat Başaran in Radikal newspaper, Demirtaş said the following:
“AKP is having a coward attitude on negotiations. They are speaking so covertly and anxiously that they are measuring every sentence with polls. You can’t resolve the Kurdish question like that.”
“If Qandil says they are going to stop the withdrawal on September 1, they would do so. These dates were determined between Öcalan and the delegations. They were set accordingly. The government framed it as ‘PKK imposition’.”
“The government was supposed to announce a democratic program and work on it by October 15. They are handling the process as if it was the future of AKP, so they are jeopardizing the process.”
“Initially Qandil had hopes on the process, it is falling short now. PM’s remark on ‘no education in Kurdish’ affected this.
“Constitution Resolution Commission took 1982 Constitution as basis for its new draft. If it goes like this, we can no longer support it. If the education in Kurdish issue remains untouched, 99 percent of Kurdish issue will remain unresolved.”
“We come from a tradition of struggle. We will use all the democratic tools we have and take effect a harsher opposition policy.”
“We don’t know who used chemical weapons”
According to an article in Firat News Agency (ANF), Demirtaş said the following regarding the latest incidents in Syria:
“First of all, Asad is a dictator. He has committed several massacres previously. Second, those gangs battling with Asad have also committed several massacres. Third, chemical weapon usage allegations are true but it is not clear who used these weapons.”
“The government must change its foreign policy on Syria and approach the issue differently. It must employ a diplomacy that will guarantee the freedoms of Syrian people.”
“We won’t support the military permit”
“We will oppose if AKP ask a permit from the parliament to enable military action in Syria. The government’s policy on the issue is full of contradictions.
“I find AKP’s attitude to attack countries in the region very tragic. It is a contradiction, however you put it.”
“Ceylanpınar is open to Al Nusra Front”
“Turkey says it is not supporting Al Nusra Front. However, Ceylanpınar border is open to Al Nusra Front. I can even give addresses. 9 Al Nusra Front militants are refuging in an apartment there.
“I am a political party’s co-chairperson and I can’t even go to Ceylanpınar. Al Nusra Front gangsters are waiting with their weapons.
“Turkey’s attitude to meet Salih Muslim on one hand and doing these on the other is turning all diplomatic efforts futile.” (EKN/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.