Kurdish Play About The Life Of Musa Anter Banned In Izmir
“Araf”, Kurdish play about Musa Anter’s life, has been banned in Izmir. The authorities have not presented any reason. Musa Anter, a Kurdish journalist, writer and poet, was assassinated in Diyarbakır, a city in the eastern Turkey, in 1992.
Even though the play, written by Cihan Şan and played by Aydın Orak, was included in the monthly program of the Konak Municipality of Izmir, it was banned by the Izmir Governorship and the Police Department at the last minute.
According to the explanation given by the Theatre Avesta, the municipality officials said it was banned because the necessary permission from the Governorship was not taken. The play which was prepared for the Konak Municipality by the Ayışığı (Moonlight) Art Center was going to be performed in the Konak Municipality Selahaddin Akçiçek Cultural Center.
According to the explanation, a unanimous representative from the Municipality said, “the Police Department said the people who will watch the play will chant slogans and cause provocation and that they would do everything in their power to stop the play.”
The players and the right defenders protested the decision by holding a press release. The play was instead performed at Mesopotamia Cultural Center later. (EÜ/TB)