Kurdish Intellectuals Advocating Presidential System

Particularly Mr. Erdoğan, AKP administrators have brought the subject of presidential system on the agenda after November 1 general election. The subject is discusses as of top priority issue. It almost gives the feeling "there is no need to make a constitution if presidential system won't be embraced".
Kurdish intellectuals participate in the matter as well. Almost every day, several Kurdish intellectuals express their thoughts on the matter. Most of them say "presidential system has to be discusses if it will solve Kurdish question". Furthermore, those advocating presidential system directly or indirectly are no less.
This is a very dangerous stance. Should Kurdish public induced to presidential system, democratic progress will be hindered and Kurdish question will remain unsolved in Turkey.
It should be kept in mind that Kurdish question may only be solved by means of establishing a liberalist democracy and have it spread in the roots of Turkey. Otherwise, hegemonic forces in the state will not back down from threatening policies despite all the suffering, destruction and death.
It shouldn't be forgotten that certain improvements in Kurdish question are not a blessing of hegemonic forces, but they are de facto acquisitions which can be destroyed any time. Recent practices are the obvious evidence of this deceptive politics.
In an environment in which freedom of the press has been put into cold storage, media outlets being seized by illegal means, media workers being unseated via threats, jurisdiction is under inspection, hundreds of anti-democratic rules such as Anti-Terror Law and Homeland Security Law are in effect, looking at presidential system in Turkey in a benevolent way is a political carelessness if not ignorance.
Presidential system that connects parliament, jurisdiction, economy, political and cultural life to will of one person who has the authority to rule with enactments inevitably causes the establishment of an authoritarian regime.
In today's objective conditions, initial condition of being democrat is to oppose presidential system. Anyone who side with liberalist democracy, law state, human rights and Kurdish liberty movement should not forget that opposing presidential system is a democratic duty. (TZE/HK/TK)
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