Korur Fincancı Sends Message from Solitary Confinement Cell

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Turkey Human Rights Association (TİHV) Chair, Prof. Dr. Şebnem Korur Fincancı who is one of the three figures arrested for participation Editor-in-Chief on Watch campaign of Özgür Gündem daily, is being kept in solitary confinement cell.
Prof. Korur Fincancı’s attorney, Meriç Eyüboğlu in her interview to İMC TV has said Esra Mungan who was arrested for signing the peace declaration was also kept in one-person cell.
Attorney Eyüboğlu mentioning unfavorable conditions of Bakırköy Closed Women Prison stated that “She will have right to go out to prison yard for one hour during the whole day and won’t be able to see anyone […] she is literally in isolation”.
Korur Fincancı conveyed message
Prof. Dr. Korur Fincancı shared the message with her friend through her attorney. The message reads as follows:
“My dears, friends. My heart is with you, and I know yours is too; thus, hail to those who meet our hearts; shall they know that by this hail, I am conveying them the picture of our solidarity which will be a thorn in their flesh.
“We all struggle for this homeland, for our people. Pride of this struggle belongs to us all.
“I hug you tight. Şebnem KF”. (HK/TK)