Kocaeli Solidarity Academy Becomes Association

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Kocaeli Solidarity Academy (KODA) has established “Kocaeli Solidarity and Research Association”.
For the purpose of the establishment, the charter read, “Conducting scientific and academic studies on the ground of autonomous, scientific, secular and equalitarian understanding of university”.
KHK, KODA, association
19 academics, who were discharged through a statutory decree (KHK) released on September 1, 2016, founded the KODA.
Starting the courses with the opening festival organized on September 28, 2016, the KODA was carrying out solidarity courses every week.
The KODA declared that their application they submitted on March 1, 2017 has been officially approved.
Goals and operations of the association are listed as follows in the charter:
Carrying out studies on national and international level on the basis of universities’ autonomous, scientific, secular, equalitarian and libertarian values and principles
Producing scientific and academic information in different fields
Supporting interdisciplinary and supra-disciplinary studies amongst scientists
Serving the public and science within the frame of social responsibility of a scientist
Cooperating and acting in solidarity with national and international organizations and institutions that are formed for similar purposes.
Maintaining solidarity between the members of the association.
KODA founding members
Assist. Prof. Dr. Adem Yeşiyurt, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aynur Özuğurlu, Assist. Prof. Dr. Burcu Yakut Çakar, Assist. Prof. Dr. Derya Keskin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gül Köksal, Assist Prof. Dr. Güven Bakırezer, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Koçak, Assist. Prof. Dr. Hülya Kendir, Prof. Dr. Kuvvet İhsan Lordoğlu, Prof. Dr. Mehmet Cengiz Erçin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Rauf Kesici, Dr. Mehmet Ruhi Demiray, Prof. Dr. Nilay Etiler, Prof. Dr. Onur Hamzaoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özlem Özkan, Prof. Dr. Ümit Biçer, Prof. Dr. Veli Deniz, Assist. Prof. Dr. Yücel Demirer, Prof. Dr. Zelal Ekinci.
Kocaeli Solidarity and Research Association Interim Executive Board members
Hülya Kendir (President), Kuvvet Lordoğlu (Deputy President), Adem Yeşilyurt (Secretary General), Güven Bakırezer (Accountant), Özlem Özkan (Member), Aynur Özuğurlu (Member), Gül Köksal (Member). (BK)