Killing In the Name Of....
The world is a small village these days. No matter where you're living if you have access to a little technology it's easy to reach news about other countries. From your desk in the office or your personal computer at home, it's easy to reach the world.
All this is thanks to technology, but on the other hand it's really difficult to be aware of all the wildness going on around and not be able to stop it or even ease the pain.
People have their reasons for all this madness. Reasons of all sorts. Killing in the name of this and that. At the end it's an action of murder. From where I'm sitting, nothing seems positive these days. Nothing seems peaceful or tranquil. People of this world are insane.
Some sit down and try analyzing the situation to be able to ease the pain and sadness. Pages of analysis have been made since. Pain never dissepeared. People still have their reasons of murder; killing in the name of god, nation, ethnic reasons...
Stopping others right of breathing in the name of any reason is the most stupid thing in human history. Does 'in the name of...' has anything to do with the identity problem? Is it that important to belong to a group?
Why anyone is so scared of being lonely? As human beings our loneliness is a fact, we're alone in all periods of our lives. We all need to embrace our loneliness and stop killing in the name of any sort of holy reasons.
No need to be afraid of living without an identity. As individuals we're, we don't need to hold on to our identities. They only bring pain and sadness. Get rid of your identities of all sorts and unite under the roof of humanity. Stop cheering 'in the name of anything'; start shouting 'not in my name...'
Only us, individuals with no identity, could make it work, could ease the pain...(ET/EÜ)