Kılıçdaroğlu in front of the stock market: "Will you rob everyone and will we keep quiet?"

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The Republican People's Party leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu invited the Capital Markets Board (SPK) Chairperson to resign in front of the board building in İstanbul, claiming that the savings of many were stolen in the aftermath of the earthquake including 380 thousand earthquake victims from the earthquake-hit region.
"Will you rob everyone and will we keep quiet?" asked the opposition leader.
The CHP leader shared a post on February 9, one day after the Feb. 6 earthquakes, after the stock exchange was overactive. He said "I will go to the SPK on my return from the earthquake region. They are still hungry for rubbing the small investors, even on our most painful days. How disgraceful!"
Borsa İstanbul suspended trading at the exchange on February 8 after the drop in the BIST 100 index reached 5 percent.
The then İstanbul Stock Exchange (İMKB) was immediately closed after the magnitude 7.4 Marmara earthquake on August 17, 1999, and was closed until August 26, 1999, for seven working days. (TY/PE)